- Do you want the mouse pointer to leave a trail? 您想要鼠标指针留下轨迹吗?
- Snails and slugs leave a trail of. 蜗牛和蛞蝓爬过后留下粘液痕迹。
- Your mouse pointer can leave a trail. 鼠标指针可以留下轨迹。
- Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. 不要沿着路走。要在没有路的地方,踏出一条路来。
- Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. 别去这道路将指向的地方,去走一条没有开过的路,并留下些记号。?无味至极,请高人增色。
- They are neatly turned out, quiet and orderly when off-duty - for example, they don't leave a trail of litter after chow-time like India's police always did. 他们训练有素,在下岗时则安静有序。比方说,他们不像印度警察那样总是在饭后拖着一条丢弃杂物的尾巴。
- Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona and his researchers found that an infected person can leave a trail of viruses on every surface he touches. 一位被细菌感染的人士,在他所接触过的物体(件)的表面上会留下一连串的病毒。
- It's easier to see and follow the mouse pointer if it leaves a trail. 如果鼠标指针留下轨迹,就比较容易发现并跟踪。
- They made a trail of protests against the decision. 他们对该项决定提出了一连串抗议。
- It is difficult for Burney to find a partner because he always leaves a trail of trouble behind him. 伯尼很难找到合伙人,因为他总会惹下一大堆麻烦。
- Left a trail of broken promises. 留下一串无用的诺言
- I will leave a message with the receptionist. 我会给前台小姐留个口信。
- As the ball moves, it also leaves a trail that provides a striking visual history of these passing threads. 当球移动时,会留下一条轨迹,提供这些经过的线程的明显的可视化历史记录。
- Leave a radio at the patient's elbow. 在病人手边留一个收音机。
- Alliance paladins will now receive, for free, a pink cloud to sit on that glides and leaves a trail of glitter and flowers. 联盟圣骑士现在免费获得粉红色的筋斗云,筋斗云在空中滑行并且留下充满闪光和花瓣的尾迹。
- What happend online has gone with the wind, a falling star never leaves a trail behind, what broken in silence is my heart. 网事如风,流星无痕,心碎也无声。
- Her behavior will leave a stigma on her family. 她的行为将给她的家庭留下污名。
- A wise maxim : Never defend yourself with the pen, for this leaves a trail and glorifies your rivals rather than punishing them for their insolence. 一条至理名言是:永远不要用笔为自己辩护,因为文字会留下把柄,它不但不能惩罚你的对手的傲慢无理,反而会使他们扬名。
- Alan blazed a trail to the new picnic area and we all followed. 艾伦开拓了一条到新野餐区的路,我们都跟着他。
- Mr Kent is out of town just at present. Can you leave a message? 肯特先生刚好不在家,你可以留个话吗?