- The method of least squares curve fitting is used proverbially for the test data processing,etc.It is inequitable to process physical parameters by some usual methods of curve fitting. 在实际问题中测得的实验数据有时需寻求简单函数逼近来分析,曲线拟合的最小二乘法在解决这类问题的数据处理和误差分析中应用非常广泛。
- Exe-Using least squares algorithm on Multi-times curve fitting. 最小二乘法多次曲线拟合。
- least squares curve fitting 最小二乘曲线拟合
- Numerical fitting with the approximation, including: least squares curve fitting, Chebyshev curve fitting, best polynomial approximation centimeters chee, rectangular region of least-squares fitting surfaces 详细说明:数值拟合与逼近方面的,包括:最小二乘曲线拟合,切比雪夫曲线拟合,最佳一致逼近多项式里米慈法,矩形域的最小二乘曲面拟合
- Keywords Cole Cole plot;impedances;characteristic parameters;in vitro tissues;the iterative least square curve fitting method; 阻抗圆图;阻抗;特征参数;离体组织;迭代式最小二乘曲线拟合法;
- least square curve fitting 最小二乘曲线拟合
- Generation of non-circular curves by means of least square curve fitting and interpolation 非圆函数曲线的最小二乘拟合与插补实现
- Multi-times Least squares algorithm curve fitting, Visual 最小二乘法多次曲线拟合算法
- The principles of the laser vision alignment is introduced,and elaborates on the method of 3D coordinates measurement of the tip,namely,multi curve fitting in the light plane with least square theory. 介绍了激光视觉汽车车轮的定位原理 ,提出了在光平面内用最小二乘多次曲线拟合来求取车轮胎冠最高点 3D坐标的方法。
- Using the methods of three-sum algorithm, least square algorithm and test algorithm, it gives a composite arithmetic for curve fitting of the pulse signal output by the scintillator detector. 综合利用三和值法、最小二乘法、试探法等方法,设计了该理想曲线拟合算法。
- Least square method curve fitting 最小二乘法曲线拟合
- The Application of Least Squares Chaos Algorithm for Stage-Discharge Relation Curve Fitting 最小二乘混沌算法在水位流量关系拟合中的应用
- Algorithm gor least square fit curve. 最小二乘法拟合曲线的算法-
- Least squares in linear models II. 线性模型中的最小二乘法2。
- Curve Fitting in Switched Capacitor Networks Using Least Square Estimation 开关电容网络频域的最小二乘曲线拟合
- CAD for crown profile curve fitting of diamond bit. 金刚石钻头冠部曲线拟合的计算机辅助设计。
- In this paper, the moving least squares (MLS) fitting criterion commonly used in solid mechanics is discussed for solving seismic wave equations. 摘要本文首次将固体力学领域中的滑动最小二乘拟合法用于求解地震波波动方程。
- This paper discuss the method of data fitting in intergral rule, that is intituled least squares integral method, and gives two format of fitting function in common use. 本文探讨了积分准则下的数据拟合函数的方法,称为最小二乘积分法,并给出了两个常用拟合函数具体形式。
- The Application of Lack of fit Analysis in the Curve Fitting. 失拟分析在曲线拟合中的应用