- He was struck all of a heap on her change in attitude. 她态度的变化,让他摸不着头脑。
- Jim has got a lot to learn and ten more years to learn in it. 吉姆对此知道的太少了,得再花10年的时间学习。
- There is a fundamental difference in attitude between these two politicians. 这两位政治家的态度有着根本的区别。
- He has an ambivalence in attitude toward death. 他对死亡有着矛盾态度。
- One who is confidently affirmative in attitude. 持肯定态度的人在态度上满怀信心赞同的人
- He was erect in attitude, and quiet in demeanour. 他器宇轩昂,举止文静。
- The study of the humanities; learning in the liberal arts. 对人文学科的研究; 对自由主义艺术的学习
- Impersonal, as in attitude or views. 非个人的,一般的态度或观点上非个人的
- One who is assertively negative in attitude. 拒绝者在态度上武断拒绝的人
- He was learned in the ways of the world. 他精通人情世故。
- Learn in growing up,grow up in learning. 在学习中成长;在成长中学习.
- What do children learn in elementary school? 孩子们在小学学习什么?
- Confined in attitude or interest to one's own needs or affairs. 个人主义的只顾自己的需求或事务的态度或兴趣的
- I've got some very long speeches to learn in Act 2. 幕中我有些大段台词要记。
- You'll find you have much to learn in your new job. 你会发现在新的工作中有很多可学的。
- I have jotted down all the new words I have learned in a notebook. 我把我学的新词全都记在一个笔记本上了。
- What can big brother Hu learn in India? 胡哥访印度可以学什么?
- You have something to learn in youth and in age. 年轻和年老都有东西可学。
- Exaggeration. What can one learn in 30 days? 黄小蓉:太夸张了吧,30天能学到什么呀?