- She has learned up as much Chinese as she could for the trip. 为了这次旅行,她尽量多学了一些汉语。
- And on basis of Sayre equation, set up system's over-determined equation. 该方法的特点是可以控制误差和单解。
- Thousands of technician have been send out of the country to learn up to date technology. 成千上万的技术人员被派出国,学习现代技术。
- Thousands of technician have is send out of the country to learn up to date technology. 成千上万的技术人员被派出国,学习现代技术。
- Put size safeguards on database queries to help guard against large queries using up system resources. 对数据库查询设置大小保护措施,以防止大型查询耗尽系统资源。
- This permits the NTBackup program to back up System State information and the information store at the same time. 这样,NTBackup程序便可以同时备份系统状态信息和信息存储了。
- Confusing substitute used to botch up system and bamboozle team-mates: Stewart Downing. 让人费解的换上了斯图尔特.;唐宁搞乱了整个阵形,迷惑了自己人。
- They have learned up all they can about the subject. 关于这个问题他们能学的都学了。
- She has learned up as much French as she could for the trip. 为了这次旅行, 她尽量地学了一些法语。
- Therefore, set up system where someone from your company calls each of your clients and makes them a special offer. 因此,你应该建立一套制度,请员工打电话给每位现有顾客,提供顾客特惠方案。
- This must accelerate reform of census register system, break urban and rural break up system to manacle. 这就必须加快户籍制度改革,打破城乡分割体制束缚。
- Most Goldens need plenty of exercise, such as dog agility.Golden Retrievers are also noted for their intelligence and can learn up to roughly 240 commands, words and phrases. 大多数的黄金猎犬都需要大量的运动,就跟其他的狗一样,而黄金猎犬也以牠们的智慧著名,牠们能够大略学习240多种指令,并能听懂一些单字和片语;
- Instantly pause a VM to free up system resources or dedicate horsepower to other running VMs. 嘉许评:将音效卡的资源分开是虚拟机的重要功能之一,这功能嘉许还没试,试了再来报告。
- Set up system and database performance monitoring to collect data and analyze monitored response time information to look for bottlenecks. 设置系统和数据库的性能监控,收集数据和分析监控的响应时间信息以寻找瓶颈。
- PCB flying probe checking up system based on step motor is introduced, this paper presents checking up principle and realization of hardware of it. 摘要通过步进电机对飞针的控制,实现了PCB飞针检测系统的定位,并对硬件的检测原理和具体的实现作了分析。
- Fatherly, in order to guarantee the accountant is prudent, controlling the audit risk, this thesis proposes setting up system of private related damages of the firm, etc. . 更进一步地,为了确保会计师的职业谨慎,控制审计风险,本文提出建立事务所私人连带赔偿金制度等。
- The organization is the main body of system changes and hair mover, in the meantime, decide the method of system changes, drive or block up system undertakes transitionally. 组织是制度变迁的主体和发动者 ,同时 ,决定制度变迁的路径 ,推动或阻碍制度变迁的进行。
- If found in the UPS system, they are subject to an Additional Handling Service charge. 如果在UPS系统中发现此类包裹,则要加收附加手续服务费用。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?