- leakage of dangerous chemicals 危险化学品泄漏事故
- The software could provide suitable means for preventing the leakage of dangerous gases and remedying after leakage. 编制了模拟软件可作为泄漏扩散事故的预防及发生事故后采取应急防护措施的分析工具。
- Other acts of non-observance of the state provisions governing the control and transport of dangerous goods other than dangerous chemicals. 不遵守国家关于危险化学品以外的危险货物管理和运输的规定的其他行为。
- The departments of quality inspection shall make regular or irregular examinations of the quality of the package and containers of dangerous chemicals. 质检部门应当对危险化学品的包装物、容器的产品质量进行定期的或者不定期的检查。
- Other situations that are not in conformity with the relevant laws, regulations, and rules of the state on dangerous chemicals, and the state standards of dangerous chemicals. 其他不符合国家有关危险化学品法律、法规、规章的规定和危险化学品国家标准的情形。
- List of significant environmental aspects, list of dangerous chemicals, list of laws and regulations and objective, indicators and management plan of environmental management. 重要环境因素清单、危险化学品清单、法律法规清单及环境管理的目标、指标、管理方案。
- The departments responsible for the general work of safety supervision and administration of dangerous chemicals shall supervise and inspect the disposition. 负责危险化学品安全监督管理综合工作的部门应当对处置情况进行监督检查。
- A lot of dangerous chemicals are used and released in manufacturing of TiO 2, there are potential unsafe elements. This article evaluates and analyses the dangerous chemicals. 钛白粉生产中使用或产生的危险化学品较多,存在潜在的不安全因素,本文对危险化学品作了评价分析。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- Lu:su composite panels, aluminum ceilings, decorative plate manufacture, marketing; Decorative materials, building materials (both are free of dangerous chemicals) wholesale, retail; General cargo road transport (road test license to operate). 铝塑复合板、铝天花板、装饰板材制造、销售;装饰材料、建筑材料(以上两项均不含危险化学品)批发、零售;普通货物道路运输(须持道路经营许可证经营)。
- About 100 tons of dangerous chemicals equivalent to 10 tanker-truck loads was spewed into the Songhua River, which supplies water to Harbin, the nation's environment watchdog disclosed yesterday. 昨天环境监管人员透露:大约有一百吨危险的化学制品(相当于10个油罐卡车的负载)被倾注到松花江中,这里提供了哈尔滨的饮用水。
- He was always cool in the face of danger. 他在危险面前总是镇静自若。
- He will never fall away even in time of danger. 他即使在危急时刻也绝不会放弃原则。
- The plant has recalled lids which leached out dangerous chemicals. 那家工厂回收了浸滤危险化学物质的盖子。
- The sound of danger gives wings to his flight. 危险的信号加速了他的逃跑。
- He was found in possession of dangerous drugs. 她被发现藏有危险物品。
- This paper introduces Heinrich causal chain theory,and discusses the inspiration of Heinrich causal chain theory on the safety management of dangerous chemicals production enterprise. 介绍了海因里希因果连锁理论,论述了海因里希因果连锁理论对危险化学品生产企业安全管理的启示。
- We should try to prevent leakage of information. 我们应该设法防止走漏风声。
- He showed great bravery in face of danger. 面对危险,他表现得十分勇敢。
- Inspecting for the leakage of oil, water and air. 检查有无漏油、漏水、漏气的现象。