- QMS methods for dynamic measurement of leak and outgassing rate of large vacuum chamber 大型真空装置漏放率的动态质谱测量法
- Leak and outgassing rate 漏放率
- The radiator sprung a leak and they had to stop the car. 散热器漏水,他们只好将车停了下来。
- Determine the origin of the air leak and rectify this. 找出漏气的地方并处理。
- The ship started to leak and began to fill with water. 轮船开始漏水;并且开始往里面进水了.
- Various methods to measure outgassing rate were summarized including the pressure rising rate collecting,weighing and gas flowrate. 总结了材料放气测试的各种方法:压力上升率法、收集法、称重法和气体流量法。
- Various methods to measure outgassing rate were summarized including the pressure rising rate collecting. weighing and gas flowrate. 摘要总结了材料放气测试的各种方法;压力上升率法、收集法、称重法和气体流量法。
- The plumber finds no pipe leaks and suspects a mains leak. 水管工没有发现漏水的水管,怀疑是主管道漏水。
- Leakage and outgassing rates 漏放气
- The roof leaks and it lets the rain come in. 房顶漏了,雨漏进来了。
- Without myelin, the signal leaks and dissipates. 没有髓鞘的话,电讯号就会漏流而消散。
- The pen leaked and dyed the white shirt blue. 钢笔漏墨水;把白衬衫污染成蓝色.
- Extremely low outgassing rate. 描述: UHV angle valves.
- Leakage and outgas of dewar vacuum vessel also is analysed. 杜瓦微漏孔和真空室内部材料放气使杜瓦真空度下降。
- So the material of their storage ring vacuum chambers must have the characters of low surface thermal outgassing rate, low photon stimulated desorption and resistance to multi-electron impact. 追求储存环真空材料低表面热放气率、抗多次电子撞击和较低的辐射光致解吸已成为建造者主要目标。
- The structure design and Calculation of a Vacuum mlultilayer insulated flexible piping are deseribed.Howto determine the outgassing rate and leakage rate of the vacuum jacket is studied . 介绍了软管的结构及其设计计算,研究了允许漏放气速率指标的确定。
- Skynet domination is threatened by this leak and the human could have of it. 一旦人类得到这个密码,天网统治系统因此泄密将受到了来自于人类的威胁。
- The surface roughness of GFRP samples was measured by a scanning probe microscope.The outgassing rate of the GFRP with different surface roughness was measured under different temperature. 采用扫描探针显微镜对试样表面粗糙度进行测量,测量了不同表面粗糙度试样在不同温度下的放气速率。
- But they never get up first, take a leak and brush their goddamn teeth. 毕利比床上起来,沿着墙想找个地方走出去,因为小便憋得慌。
- In this paper, the experimental principle for measuring the outgassing rate of the vacuum materials with the orifice throughout mtehod and the experimental apparatus are described briefly. 本文简要叙述小孔流量法测量材料出气率实验原理和实验装置。