- Are the Violet Jadeite "Spring Color? "or "Toona Sinensis Leaf Color"? 翡翠中的紫罗兰色是"春色"?还是"椿色"?
- Typically, an intensely colored plant has _ 19__ of these protective chemicals than a paler one does. 深色的植物较浅色的蔬果而言,其特色是拥有19.;更多保护作用的化学物质。
- The application of clomazone on flower plant color and mutagenesis of leaf color is using clomazone as mutagen for plant and leaves color to mutagenesis them. 异恶草酮在花卉植物花色和叶色诱变上的应用,应用异恶草酮作为植物花色和叶色诱变剂,用来诱变植物的花色和叶色。
- Effects of temperature on leaf color and chlorophyll (Chl)biosynthesis of mutant W1 in rice were studied. 本文研究了温度对水稻突变体W1叶色及叶绿素 (Chl)生物合成的影响。
- Below normal circumstance, pachyrhizus leaf color begins to turn weak, green in the belt is yellow, blade contains nitrogen to measure drop off. 正常情况下,地瓜叶色开始转淡,绿中带黄,叶片含氮量逐渐减少。
- Characters used previously, for example dried leaf color, leaf shininess, leaf base shape, and style length, are not reliable. 以前使用的特征,例如干燥时叶颜色,叶发光,叶基部形状,和花柱长度的,不可靠。
- Review of Researches on Leaf Color Changing of Color-Leafed Plants 彩叶植物多彩形成的研究进展
- primary colored plant specimens in solution 原色植物浸制标本
- Tana, normally with cup-shaped leaf form, is esp. stunning in autumn for the sprinkled green patches on the predominantly yellow leaf, which indicates that the spring and summer leaf color is green. 正常地是杯型的叶片;在秋天的显著黄叶上有绿色的喷点特别迷人;这表示在春天和夏天叶片是绿色的.
- But leaf color (SPAD) descended quickly.The roots grew stagnantly, root length and number of roots stopped increasing, the activity of root and root/shoot ratio descended quickly, and obviously. 但秧苗叶色(SPAD值)迅速下降, 地下部生长停滞, 根长、根数停止增加, 根系活力迅速下降, 根冠比明显降低。
- Leaves a positive acceptance of sunlight every day, and more will be green, opposite leaves loose cell row, the gap, and less chlorophyll, the leaf color in a negative light. 叶子正面每天都接受阳光照射多也就绿,叶子反面细胞排的比较松散,空隙大,叶绿素也少,所以叶子反面的颜色比较浅。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- A leaf or a plant part that evolved from a leaf. 叶,叶原体,叶性器官从叶子发育而成的叶子或植物部分
- It was indicated that these 18 colorful plant could be recommended in landscape application in Shenzhen, including Photinia fraaeri ‘Red Robin’, Arachis duranensis, Arachis duranensis and ect. 取得的成果为丰富深圳园林植物种类,构建多种类、多层次、多色彩的生态园林景观具有深远的意义,也为今后深圳对国内外彩叶植物新品种的引种繁殖和推广应用起到了很好的指导作用。
- In 1998,The outgrowing speed of leaves and the grade of leaf color decreased in long-ear phase under high-temperature.And the heading phase delayed one week than every year. 1998年长穗期的低温,使出叶速度和叶色级数减少,导致有效分蘖率降低,齐穗期比历年延迟一周;
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- Dahlias are garden plants with brightly colored flowers. 大丽花是非常鲜艳的庭院花。
- A plot experiment showed that there were significantly positive correlations (P?0.01)between chlorophyll meter values (SPAD values) and N content in leaves,leaf color chart(LCC)values at panicle initiation and heading stages. 田间小区试验结果表明;寒地水稻叶片的叶绿素值(SPAD值)在穗分化期、抽穗期与叶片含氮量及叶色卡值(LCC值)之间都呈极显著的正相关(P?0.;01)。
- The hat was decorated with colored beads. 那顶帽子上饰有彩色珠子。
- I saw him take a leaf out of the book. 我看见他从书上撕下一页。