- leaf of Combined Spicebush 乌药叶
- Shaped like a sword, as the leaf of an iris. 剑形的,如鸢尾属植物的叶子
- Let's take leave of the topic and turn to another. 这个问题就说到这里吧,现在来谈谈另一个话题。
- The leaves of the book had yellowed with age. 书页因年久而变黄。
- The operation itself was a model of combined work. 这次战役本身是联合作战的一个范例。
- I don't like this kind of combined transportation. 我不喜欢这种联运方式。
- You can tear a leaf of paper out of my notebook. 你可以从我的笔记本中撕下一页纸。
- Compounds from Leaf of Ilex purpurea Hassk. 四季青叶化学成分研究。
- The leaves of the tree are dying off. 树上的叶子相继枯死。
- They took their leave of their teacher. 他们向老师告辞。
- They took leave of their teacher. 他们向老师告辞。
- Silkworms feed on the leaves of mulberry. 蚕吃桑叶。
- But none other than I has a leaf of this kind. 只有我拥有的瓦伦丁式的树叶让人心怡。
- The process of combining incoming messages into a single message. 将输入的多个报文合并成一条报文的过程。参阅concentrator。
- Leaf of Polygonum tinctorium Ait. 蓼大青叶。
- A large compound leaf of a palm. 棕榈树庞大的叶子
- A leaf of a book numbered only on the front side. 一张书中的一页,只在正面记有页码
- They add a number of combined spins and spectacular lifts. 他们加入若干旋转动作组合和精彩的抬举动作。
- Having three leaflets, as a leaf of clover or string bean. 具三叶的有三中叶的,如三叶草或豆类植物的叶子
- Have you all taken leave of your senses? 你们都疯了吗?