- Mountain pansy leaves brown spots appear how to do? 三色堇叶片山出现黄褐色斑怎么办?
- leaf brown spot 叶褐斑病
- apple leaf brown spot 苹果褐斑病
- Suitable typles:The black spot, freckle, yellow brown spot etc. 口适合人群:黑斑、雀斑、黄褐斑等各种斑点及黄黑皮肤。
- Among the eucalypt diseased, bacterial wilt, little-leaf, seedling, brown spot, leaf rust, shoot blight, stem canker and butt rot are new disease records in Taiwan. 文内报导之桉树青枯病、小叶病、苗腐病、玫瑰桉叶斑病、叶锈病、枝枯病、溃疡病及冠腐病等均为本省之新记录病害。
- Reported diseases include crown gall, bacterial wilt, little-leaf, seedling blight, angular leaf spot, leaf spot, brown spot, leaf rust, grey mold, shoot blight, stem canker, and butt rot. 苗腐病、角斑病、叶斑病、玫瑰桉叶斑病、叶锈病、灰黴病、褐斑病、枝枯病、溃疡病及冠腐病等真菌性病害;
- Place the cue ball on the brown spot and attempt to hit it along the baulk line. 把主球放在棕球置点上,试着使其在被击打后沿着发球线滚动。
- "Was it a large red cow with a brown spot over the right eye?" Asked the farmer. "Yes, yes," the man replied. “是不是个头很大、右眼上方有一个棕色的点的红色大奶牛?”农夫问。“是的,是的。”男人回答说。
- AT-toxin produced by Alternaria alteniata was a kind of HST and a pathogenic factor of Tobacco Brown Spot disease . AT-毒素是烟草赤星病的致病因子,是一种寄主专化性毒素。
- All new varieties are free to blank shank and tobacco root nematode, and light infected Brown spot and TMV. 各品种都没发黑胫病和根结线虫病,赤星病和TMV较轻。
- LL: Well, I just noticed that you have a brown spot smack-dab in the middle of your sweater. 什么?我毛衣上有一块咖啡色的脏东西?哎呀!肯定是我早上吃巧克力时滴在衣服上的。你说的对,这还恰恰在我毛衣的正中间。
- Mr.Bikali had a well-trimmed mustache and an ever-so-subtle brown spot just beneath his hairline. 他蓄着美须,发际下方淡淡的棕色印记隐约可见。
- Melman: I found another brown spot on my shoulder. Right here. See? Right there. You see? 我又发现在我肩上有褐斑。在这里。看见了吗?在那里。你看见了吗?
- Facing the brown spots, was to cover up the monotony facing. 业面的褐色点面是为了掩饰业面的单调。
- This article is a study about the activity changing patterns of POD, PPO, NR and AAO in 11 tobacco varieties infected with brown spot disease. 本文研究11个烟草品种感染赤星病后过氧化物酶(POD)同工酶、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、硝酸还原酶(NR)和抗坏血酸氧化酶(AAO)活性的变化规律。
- The visible brown spot at cortex and marrow appeared after nematode occurrence, and the degree of internal pathological changes was linear to nematode amount. 肉眼可见的皮层和髓的褐变通常发生在线上虫出现之后,其褐变程度与线虫的数量呈正相关。
- Herbs perennial, suberect, often clumped, with fleshy turions that leave brown leathery basal scales. 多年生草本,近直立,叶棕色革质基生鳞片的通常丛生,具肉质具鳞根出条的。
- Shrubs 1-2 m tall, branchlets and leaves brown scurfy when young, becoming glabrous. 灌木1-2米高,小枝和叶棕色幼时具鳞屑的,变得无毛。
- The main difference was that the midrids and side-vein near the tip of the leaf blade of the affected plant at first turned dark brown, then tiny brown spots spread to the mesophyll between the veins. 而主要区别在于这种病害的发生,首先是叶尖的中脉与侧脉先后变成黑褐色,然后在变色的叶脉两侧出现褐棕色的针尖状小斑点。
- The yellow brown spot often appear, Because of the result that the dissimilarity of the spot reason divides Gestation spot, Bask spot, Perfume spot , Black spot and Radiate spot etc. 面部色素斑较多见的是黄褐斑.;因致斑原因的不同又分妊娠斑;晒斑;香水斑(黑斑);辐射斑;肝斑等