- About revitalization. Here, it is crucial to have younger leading cadres at all levels. 增强活力,现在最大的问题是各级领导班子的年轻化。
- Party organizations and leading cadres at all levels must take a clear stand to oppose corruption. 各级党组织和领导干部都要旗帜鲜明地反对腐败。
- About revitalization. Here,it is crucial to have younger leading cadres at all levels. 增强活力,现在最大的问题是各级领导班子的年轻化。
- The leading cadres at all levels should work hard, conscientiously improve this quality. 党的各级领导干部要多方努力,切实提高善于协调利益关系的素质。
- All cadres,including leading cadres at all levels,should increase their ability as commanders and managers through intensive training. 干部,包括各级领导干部,都要在苦练中增长指挥能力和管理能力。
- This work should be performed by Party committees and leading cadres at all levels,as well as by all other Party members. 这项工作,各级党委要做,各级领导干部要做,每个党员都要做。
- This work should be performed by Party committees and leading cadres at all levels, as well as by all other Party members. 这项工作,各级党委要做,各级领导干部要做,每个党员都要做。
- All cadres, including leading cadres at all levels, should increase their ability as commanders and managers through intensive training. 干部,包括各级领导干部,都要在苦练中增长指挥能力和管理能力。
- Party committees and leading cadres at all levels must proceed from the overall and strategic perspective, take seriously the important political task. 各级党委和领导干部一定要从全局和战略的高度,认真对待这项重大政治任务。
- Blows were dealt at leading cadres at all levels who had made contributions to the revolution and had practical experience,including Comrade Liu Shaoqi. 这样打击了原来在革命中有建树的、有实际经验的各级领导干部,其中包括刘少奇同志在内。
- The president called on leading cadres at all levels to solve the employment problem in order of importance and urgency and concentrate efforts on tackling the top priority task. 江泽民说,各级领导干部在开展工作时,一定要注意分清轻重缓急,善于集中力量搞好当务之急。
- All Party members,primarily leading cadres at all levels,must do mass work well in light of the new situation and,by persuading,setting examples and providing services,unite and lead the masses in making progress. 共产党员首先是各级领导干部,都要努力运用说服教育、示范引导和提供服务等方法,做好新形势下的群众工作,团结和带领群众不断前进。
- Leading cadres at all levels should,while behaving with dignity and making self-examination,self-warning and self-encouragement,always stress study,political awareness and integrity. 各级领导干部都要自重、自省、自警、自励,始终注意讲学习、讲政治、讲正气。
- Leading cadres at all levels should always keep in mind the safety and well-being of the masses,show concern for the sufferings of the masses,and try hard to do useful and good things for the masses. 各级领导干部时刻都要把人民群众的安危冷暖放在心上,关心群众疾苦,努力为群众办实事、办好事。
- Leading cadres at all levels should always keep in mind the safety and well-being of the masses, show concern for the sufferings of the masses, and try hard to do useful and good things for the masses. 各级领导干部时刻都要把人民群众的安危冷暖放在心上,关心群众疾苦,努力为群众办实事、办好事。
- Cadres at all levels should improve their art of leadership. 各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。
- Cadres at all levels taking the lead in practising family planning has exerted great influences among the people all over the country. 各级干部带头实行计划生育,在全体人民中形成了极大的影响力。
- Cadres at all levels should use their own heads and should not be mentally lazy or rigid. 大大小小的干部都要开动机器,不要当懒汉,头脑僵化。
- The Governing Party Including Leading Cadres at all Levels has to Uphold the Sense of Broad United Front 执政党各级领导干部必须树立大统战观
- This practice has won warm support from governments at all levels,cadres at grass-roots level and the people. 这种做法得到了各级政府、基层干部和广大群众的热情支持和衷心拥护。