- The present leading bodies are really too big. 现在领导班子实在太大。
- What kind of people should we select for future leading bodies? 我们今后配备领导班子的时候,要选用什么人呢?
- We have to select as members of the leading bodies younger people and Marxists. 领导班子还是要注意年轻化,要选马克思主义者。
- I should like you to convey my words to every comrade who will be working in the new leading bodies. 我请你们把我的话带给将要在新的领导机构里面工作的每一个同志。
- But now the average age of members of our leading bodies is too high and their level of energy is too low. 但现在各级领导班子岁数太大,精力不够。
- One important aspect of consolidating the leading bodies is the rectification of their style of work. 整顿领导班子,一个重要方面就是要把作风整顿好。
- Everyone has shortcomings. They can continue to remedy their shortcomings after they have been admitted to the leading bodies. 人都是有缺点的,进了班子后还可以继续改进。
- In the main,it means readjusting the leading bodies and rectifying their style of work. 整顿,主要是整顿领导班子,整顿作风。
- First of all,we must successfully reorganize and restaff the leading bodies at various levels. 首先要抓紧把各级领导班子调整配备好。
- They decided to stay for supporting the new leading body. 为了支持新的领导班子,他们决定留下来。
- Generally speaking,our leading bodies and cadres did not have the right idea about policies and tactics. 我们从领导机关到干部,一般地没有正确政策和策略的思想。
- This problem exists,in varying degrees,in leading bodies at all levels throughout the country. 全国各级领导机构都不同程度地存在这个问题。
- Not only should such types never be admitted into leading bodies,they should not be allowed to remain in the army. 这种人不仅不能进领导班子,也不能留在军队。
- However,once a decision is taken by the leading bodies of the Party,it must be accepted. 但是,党的领导机关一经作出决议,他们就必须服从。
- The new leading bodies we are about to form should be farsighted and broad-minded. This is the most fundamental requirement to be met by our third generation of leaders. 我们组成的这个新的领导机构,眼界要非常宽阔,胸襟要非常宽阔,这是对我们第三代领导人最根本的要求。
- The assumption at that time was that consolidation should be accomplished by first reorganizing and restaffing the leading bodies. 当时设想,从整顿着手,也就是先从调整配备领导班子着手,把军队整顿好。
- The main reason why problems have piled up and remain unsolved in some units is that their leading bodies have not really been properly readjusted. 有的单位问题成堆,老是解决不了,主要是领导班子没有真正调整好。
- A satisfactory job has been done of replacing old members with new ones in the three central leading bodies. 这次三个委员会成员的进退,工作做得很好
- From then on, a sound system of Party committee meetings was instituted in all leading bodies. 从那时以后,所有领导机构都建立了健全的党委会制度。
- The new leading bodies we are about to form should be farsighted and broad-minded. 我们组成的这个新的领导机构,眼界要非常宽阔,胸襟要非常宽阔