- This chiefly means that our leading cadres must be young. 这里主要是指领导层干部的年轻化。
- Two leading cadres came down from the provincial capital yesterday. 昨天从省里下来了两位领导干部。
- It's necessary for leading cadres to keep frequent contacts with the masses. 领导应和群众经常见面。
- In appointing leading cadres, the first thing for us to do is to choose the right persons for the two top positions -- persons who display exemplary Party spirit and work style and who know how to unite with their comrades. 配备班子的时候,首先要把一、二把手选准,要选党性好、作风好、团结好的。
- Here I am referring mainly to some leading cadres,not to the peasant masses. 这里指的不是农民群众,主要是一些领导干部。
- As for ourselves,we must definitely admit that the ideology and work style of both rank-and-file Party members and many leading cadres still have something to be desired to varying degrees. 至于说到我们自己,一定要承认:不仅普通的党员,而且有不少相当负责的干部,都存在着不同程度的思想不纯、作风不正的问题。
- Here I am referring mainly to some leading cadres, not to the peasant masses. 这里指的不是农民群众,主要是一些领导干部。
- Second, leading cadres in the open debriefing Shulian and examining assessment. 二是把政务公开列入领导干部述职述廉以及自查自评内容。
- In appointing leading cadres,the first thing for us to do is to choose the right persons for the two top positions -- persons who display exemplary Party spirit and work style and who know how to unite with their comrades. 配备班子的时候,首先要把一、二把手选准,要选党性好、作风好、团结好的。
- Formalism,the bureaucratic style of work,falsification,extravagance and waste are still serious problems among some leading cadres in our Party,and corruption is still conspicuous in some places. 一些党员领导干部的形式主义、官僚主义作风和弄虚作假、铺张浪费行为相当严重,有些腐败现象仍然突出。
- Formalism, bureaucratic style of work, falsification, extravagance and waste are still serious problems among some leading cadres in our Party, and corruption is still conspicuous in some places. 一些党员领导干部的形势主义,官僚主义作风,和弄虚作假,铺张浪费的行为相当严重,有些地方腐败现象还很严重。
- About revitalization. Here, it is crucial to have younger leading cadres at all levels. 增强活力,现在最大的问题是各级领导班子的年轻化。
- He is quite modest though he be a leading cadre. 虽然他是个领导干部,却相当谦虚。
- As for ourselves, we must definitely admit that the ideology and work style of both rank-and-file Party members and many leading cadres still have something to be desired to varying degrees. 至于说到我们自己,一定要承认:不仅普通的党员,而且有不少相当负责的干部,都存在着不同程度的思想不纯、作风不正的问题。
- Formalism, the bureaucratic style of work, falsification, extravagance and waste are still serious problems among some leading cadres in our Party, and corruption is still conspicuous in some places. 市场经济秩序有待继续整顿和规范; 有些地方社会治安状况不好;
- He is quite modest though he is a leading cadre. 虽然他是个领导干部,却相当谦虚。
- He is a much tested leading cadre. 他是一个久经考验的领导干部。
- He is quite modest though he is a leading cadre . 虽然他是位领导干部,却相当谦虚。
- The key to it is the supervision over leading cadres to ensure that they exercise their power appropriately. 关键要加强对领导干部的监督,保证他们正确运用手中的权力。
- The emancipation of minds has not been completely achieved among our cadres, particularly our leading cadres. 在我们的干部特别是领导干部中间,解放思想这个问题并没有完全解决。