- leadership team building 领导班子建设
- Robert B. M. (1992/1993). Team building : an exercise in leadership. 文林(译)。建立团队:合作就是力量。台北:麦田出版社。
- At the same time, the GCC leadership team considered constructing its own building and joining a mainline denomination. 同时,教会同工会在考虑两件事:盖礼拜堂与参加美国的主流教会。
- Ability to motivate others and team building. 能有效激励成员,建设团队,能良好的协调部门内及各部门的关系。
- Have you ever heard of a ropes course? A ropes course is leadership training or team building exercises. 绳索课程通常用来训练领袖或建立团队,我们要做的是。
- The Practice and Operation of Team Building II. 团队建设操作实务2。
- Who makes up the district leadership team that supports clubs? 哪些人构成支援各社的地区领导团队?
- Your leadership team has committed to enhance organizational learning. 你的领导里队伍承诺加强组织的学习。
- Desire to work on a team building top-quality game environments. 渴望和团队一起来建造一个良好的游戏环境。
- Involve team building and achieve team goals with team members. 参与团队建设与成员一起达到团队目标。
- Harrington-Mackin, D.(1994)The Team Building Tool Kit. 齐若兰译(1995)团队出击。台北:天下文化。
- You can monitor the build process in Team Build Browser. 可以在Team Build Browser中监视生成过程。
- Working with your leadership team to finalize your goals will ensure that they are shared and, consequently, more effective. 和您的领导团队一起将目标定案则会确保分享给了大家,当然,因此会更有效率。
- The team built up an impregnable 5-1 lead. 这个队以 5:1 的绝对优势领先。
- Begin to list the names of Rotarians who will serve on your district leadership team. 开始列出即将加入您的地区领导团队服务阵容的扶轮社员姓名。
- Membership growth and development at the club level requires the support of the entire district leadership team. 扶轮社层级的社员成长与发展是需要全体地区领导团队的支持。
- He works with senior managers to design and facilitate their organizations change processes including strategic planning, corporate vision and mission, team building, leadership development, personality styles, and organizational culture assessment. 他曾经为许多资深经理人设计和引导其组织的变革过程,如:战略计划,企业愿景和使命,团队建设,领导力发展,个人风格分析及组织的文化测评等。
- Which membership development duties cannot be delegated to your district leadership team? 哪些社员发展的职责是无法请地区领导团队代劳的?
- Harrington-Mackin, D. (1994). The Team Building Tool Kit. NY: AMACOM. 兰译。(1995)。团队出击。台北:天下文化。
- She was DDI certificated trainer, with rich training experience in HR and management/ leadership programs, including "Interview &Selection Skills", "Performance Management", "Coaching for Success", "Team Building &Motivation", etc. 李女士曾是获DDI认证的讲师,擅长面试筛选技巧、员工绩效管理、领导力提高(如团队建设、辅导)等培训项目。