- He began at the beginning,by changing GE's goal. 韦尔奇首先着手改变通用电气公司的目标。
- He began at the beginning, by changing GE's goal. 韦 尔 奇 首 先 着 手 改 变 通 用 电 气 公 司 的 目 标 。
- Ability to produce quality work under pressure. Goal orientation. 能够承受一定工作压力,有事业心。
- To write articles and books remains Mr. J's goal. 写文章和出书仍是J先生的目标。
- Trezeguet now equalled today Baggio\'s goal record in Juve. 特雷追平了巴乔的尤文进球记录。
- What happened tonight on Menez’s goal was just one episode. 梅内兹的进球只是偶然事件罢了。
- Conclusion: Achievement goal orientation, uncertain personal control, self-deprecation are closely related to academic self-handicapping. 由此得出成就目标取向、不可控感、自我贬低与大学生学业自我妨碍密切相关的结论。
- The prosocial children show kind attribution tendency, and their goal orientation lead to peer relationship enhance. 进一步的研究应该注意分离情绪、人格、年龄、性别等因素的效应;
- Achievement goal orientation had influence on the magnitude and accuracy of metamemory monitoring via self-efficacy. 6.;成就目标定向是以自我效能为中介来影响元记忆监测判断等级的高低及判断的准确性。
- "Not missing the time" means that one can snatch one"s goal in right moment. "别放弃正确的时间"意思是可以在适当的时间夺取目标。
- Attribution, self-esteem, goal orientation, group cohesion, task quality, and gender are related with self-handicapping. 与自我设限相关的因素包括归因、自尊、目标定向、群体凝聚力、任务性质及性别等。
- The study, combining with three scales of self efficacy, achievement goal orientation and learning strategy , investigates 800 students in 5 HVS using test papers. 本研究整合了自我效能感、成就目标定向和学习策略三种量表,采用问卷调查法对5所高职院校约800名学生进行调查,通过相关统计分析,结果表明:
- The first, translating and emending foreign achievement goal orientation scale, working out teacher and student's relationships questionnaire and teacher's helping scale. 翻译修订的成就目标定向问卷适用于国内相关问题的研究,自编的师生关系问卷和教师支持问卷具有良好的信度和效度。
- It might be a software company’s task to use new technology, but it is rarely a user’s goal for them to do so. 使用新技术可能是软件公司的任务,但它极少会是用户的目标。
- Develop &optimize HCB SOP to achieve the company‘s goals. 发展和优化部门的工作流程,以达成公司的目标。
- The players wear heavy protective gear and use sticks to drive the disk or puck into the opposing team' s goal. 运动员身穿沉重的保护用具,用冰球杆将球带人对方球门。
- It addresses more traditional aspects, such as achievement motivation, intrinsic motivation and goal orientation, as well as the effect of teacher practices that promote motivation beliefs, motivation strategies and willpower. 这些动机激发原理源自课堂学习的研究,它们回答了成就动机、部动机和目标定向这些基本问题,也包括转变动机信念、发动机的策略和增强意志力等问题。
- The referee ruled out Gila’s goal and Toni sealed the win with the third goal for Fiorentina. 裁判吹掉了吉拉的进球,而佛罗伦萨由托尼打入第三球,锁定了胜局。
- The FBI's goal is to have all Mantis and Condor vetting requests completed within 120 days. 就是说,FBI只是争取在120天内完成调查,并且这个时间在经两年都难以保证。当然,美国**正在加快这个审查过程。