- A large lead shot for shotgun shells, used especially in hunting big game. 大号铅弹猎枪用的大铅弹,尤其是用于射击大的猎物中
- lead shot for hunting 打猎铅弹
- a large lead shot for shotgun shells,used especially in hunting big game 猎枪用的大铅弹,尤其是用于射击大的猎物中
- Mr. Williams goes in for hunting. 威廉姆斯先生热衷于打猎。
- small lead shot for shotgun shells. 一种从鸟枪壳中发射出来的小石弹。
- Spears are their tools for hunting. 矛是他们狩猎的工具。
- Winter is the best time for hunting in mountain areas. 冬季是山区狩猎的最佳时间。
- For small models we can use as weights containers filled with lead shot. 对于小模型,可用装满铅丸的容器作为砝码。
- They have taken on a small hut for hunting. 为了打猎他们已经租了一间小棚屋。
- The soldier was shot for desertion. 那个士兵因逃跑而被枪决了。
- The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny. 船员夺船未遂,均以叛乱罪被枪决。
- This variety of dog is very useful for hunting. 这种狗对狩猎很有用。
- He also carried a rifle for hunting. 他同时也会带着一支步枪来打猎。
- He should be shot for that--shot like a traitor. 光凭这一点就该枪毙他----作为叛徒枪毙。
- The wire-haired terriers are used for hunting. 短毛猎犬被用于狩猎。
- Finished the photo shoot for the tour book today. 今天完成了巡演手册照片的拍摄。
- Filling the cylinder with lead shot to simulate a sample's weight. 圆柱里面灌铅,以模拟样本的重量。
- I did a shoot for her last year. 我去年帮她拍过照片。
- A large dog, such as the Great Dane, used originally for hunting wild boars. 猎猪犬最初用来狩猎野猪的大猎狗,如丹麦大狗
- He was shot for collaboration with the enemy. 他因通敌而被枪毙了。