- Filling the cylinder with lead shot to simulate a sample's weight. 圆柱里面灌铅,以模拟样本的重量。
- A large lead shot for shotgun shells, used especially in hunting big game. 大号铅弹猎枪用的大铅弹,尤其是用于射击大的猎物中
- For small models we can use as weights containers filled with lead shot. 对于小模型,可用装满铅丸的容器作为砝码。
- The gold was found intermingled with lead shot, causing archaeologists to speculate that a pre-Blackbeard crew member had hidden gold in a long-since-disintegrated amunition keg. 黄金被发现和子弹混合在一起,使考古学家们怀疑,是“黑胡子”截获前的船员把黄金藏在了一个小桶中,而小桶经长时间分解了。
- The thermal storage performances of several kinds of paraffin mixtures and polyalcohols binary systems were studied experimentally by differential scanning calorimeter. 利用差示扫描量热仪实验研究了几种不同石蜡以及它们的混合物和多元醇二元体系的储热性能。
- For starters, they lose their third leading scorer, second leading rebounder, and leading shot blocker. 作为首发,他们失去了第三高得分手,第二篮板手和盖帽王。
- a shell containing lead shot; used in shotguns. 装有石头子弹的枪壳;用于鸟枪。
- lead paraffin mixture 铅-石腊混合物
- small lead shot for shotgun shells. 一种从鸟枪壳中发射出来的小石弹。
- The horse forged ahead the lead in the homestretch. 那匹马在最后阶段突然加速跑到前面。
- Shirley will try out for the lead in the play. 雪莉将参加该剧主角的选拔演出。
- Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia. 爱国主义过了头即可导致仇视一切外国人。
- Lead aprons shield people from radiation. 铅做的工作裙可使人免进辐射。
- a large lead shot for shotgun shells,used especially in hunting big game 猎枪用的大铅弹,尤其是用于射击大的猎物中
- Graphite is used in making lead pencils. 石墨常被用来做成铅笔。
- Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature. 铅会在相当低的温度下熔化。
- The team recovered its lead in the second half. 该队在下半场重新领先。
- Successful title defense by Yang Ling and surprising golds by Cai Yalin and Tao Luna made China the winningest nation and established it as the leading shooting nation in the world. 杨凌的成功卫冕和蔡亚林及陶璐娜的意外夺金使中国队成为射击项目的大赢家,从而奠定了其在世界射坛的领头羊位置。
- No road of flowers lead to glory. 没有一条通往光荣的道路是铺满鲜花的。
- Copper has less resistance than lead. 铜的电阻比铅的小。