- China Law Society Social Law Studies Institute. 是中国法学会直属的从事社会法学研究的全国性学术团体。
- The Subcommittee received views from the Law Society of Hong Kong. 小组委员会接获香港律师会的意见。
- The law society have issue guidelines to its member on dealing with rape cases. 律师协会就处理强奸案问题发布了指导原则。
- The true meaning of the modern law society is judiciary independence. 现代法治社会的真谛是“司法独立”。
- The Law Society is the governing body for solicitors and foreign lawyers and foreign law firms in the HKSAR. 香港律师会是管理本地律师、在港执业的外地律师及外地律师行的组织。
- He is a member of The Law Society of England and Wales and The Law Society of Hong Kong. 彼是英国律师会及香港律师会会员。
- The Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong each nominate four members to sit on the council of the service, which manages and administers its operations. 香港大律师公会和香港律师会各自提名属下四名会员加入当值律师服务理事会,负责服务的管理和行政工作。
- Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Society, Inc. 压力锅炉法律协会。
- Dr. the Hon.P.C.Woo was a prominent legal figure and was the President of the Law Society. 胡百全博士是法律界殿堂级人物,曾任香港律师会会长,贡献至钜。
- Discussions were held with the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society, and Council hoped to work towards this objective. 本局曾与香港大律师公会及香港律师会进行有关讨论,并希望能为实现这目标而努力。
- Three programmes of legal assistance, jointly administered by the Law Society and Bar Association of Hong Kong, are subvented by the Government. 香港律师会与香港大律师公会合办的三项法律辅导计划,均由政府资助。
- The agreement the parties used was the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand/Auckland District Law Society Standard Form Agreement. 7th Edition. 买卖双方签订的合同,使用的是纽西兰房地产协会/奥克兰律师协会的标准合约第7版。
- The Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong each nominate four members to sit on the council of the service,which manages and administers its operations. 香港大律师公会和香港律师会各自提名属下四名会员加入当值律师服务理事会,负责服务的管理和行政工作。
- Members considered that apart from the Law Society, the Bar Association should also be invited to submit representations on the indicative rates of legal fees. 成员认为除了律师会,亦应邀请大律师公会递交讼费的指示性收费率的申述。
- You can find more information about EPOA on the New Zealand Law Society website (www.lawsociety.org.nz) and on the Ministry of Justice website (www.justice.govt.nz). 授权书被指定人(代理人)的签名必须有证人见证。该证人不能是你持续性授权书上签名的见证人。你也不能替你的指定人作签名见证。
- Organized the Annual Meeting and the Academic Seminar of Environmental and Natural Resources Law Institute of Shandong Law Society in 2005, oct., at Shandong, Qufu. 2005年10月,主办山东省法学会环境资源法学研究会年会暨学术研讨会。(山东曲阜)
- The spirit damage compensation system has experienced from none to ens and from simplicity to maturation in China and now has been an important topic for the law society. 我国的精神损害赔偿制度历经从无到有,由简单逐步走向成熟的发展过程,现已成为民法理论和实务界研究和探讨的重要话题。
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。
- The Committee of Review is set up under section 26A of the Legal Aid Ordinance and is made up of the Registrar of the High Court and a representative each of the Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong . 覆核委员会乃根据《法律援助条例》(第91章)26A条设立,由高等法院司法常务官和香港大律师公会及香港律师会各派一名代表组成。