- PKU international and comparative law review II. 北大国际法与比较法评论2。
- Howard Scroll: The Social Justice Law Review. 社会公正法律评论,霍华德大学主办。
- International law review of Wuhan University II. 武大国际法评论2。
- University of Tasmania Law Review. 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学法律评论。
- Stanford Technology Law Review Stanford University. 斯坦福科技法律评论。
- Georgetown International Environmental Law Review. 乔治城大学国际环境法评论》
- William L.Prosser,Privacy[M].California Law Review,Vol.48,P383. 王利明.;中国民法案例与学理研究[M]北京:法律出版社;1998
- Rethinking of the Marxist View about Origin of Law (
1998.06. 《再论马克思主义关于法的起源观》(《法学评论》1998.;06 - Cott,Two Models of the civil Process,27 Standford Law Review 9(1995). 美联邦民事诉讼规则23条第3款第(4)项。
- Costas Douzinas.The Legality of the Image[J].The Modern Law Review,2000(6):814. 伯尔曼.;法律与革命[M];贺卫方等译
- Margaret Jane Radin,Property and Personhood,Stanford Law Review,Vol 34. 沈开举.;行政法补偿研究[M]
- Adam D. Moore, A Lockean Theory of Intellectual Property, 21 Hamlin Law Review 65, 1997. 作者为中国社会科学院法学研究所2004级硕士研究生。
- Jessica Litman, Reforming Information Law In Copyright?蒺s Image, 22 U.Dayton Law Review, 587, 603 (1997). 薛虹.;数字技术的知识产权保护
- Robert L. Rabin, Tort Recovery forNegligently Inflicted EconomicLoss:A Reassessment . Stanford Law Review 37:1518. 李昊.;纯经济上损失赔偿制度研究
- M.D.Bayles for Legal Process-A Plea for Process Values in Connell Law Review Vol.60,November 1974. 顾培东.;诉讼制度的哲学思考[A]
- E Cohen, “Examined lives: Informational privacy and the subject as object”, 52 Stanford law review, May 2000, 1391. 关于个人信息财产权的侵权责任问题,请参见下文关于个人信息的私法保护部分的有关论述。
- Schaefer, Federalism and State Criminal Procedure,70 Harvard Law Review 1,P.26 (1956). 将米兰达规则直接归结为宪法的应有之意。
- Law reviews publish lots on constitutional law, and very little on tax. 法律评论发表了很多宪法文章,而税法则少得可怜。
- Peter Quint, Free Speech and Private Law in German Constitutional Theory, 48 Maryland Law Review 445-447. 关键词:宪法,权利,法院,基本,私法,宪政,影响,基本法,德国
- Some articles had been published by CIETAC and Peiking University International Law Review. 唐律师还在北大国际法评论和中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会刊物等期刊就重要法律理论和实践问题撰文十多篇。