- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- Who discovered the Law of Gravitation? 谁发现了引力定律?
- Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth. 牛顿时的运动定律适用于地球上一切东西。
- I'd like to see the person in charge of purchasing. 我想拜见负责采购的人。
- Enactment into law of a legislative measure. (议案)通过把立法议案制定为法律
- Do you have any area of Purchasing specialty? 你在采购专业方面是否有专长的领域?
- Please tell me who is in charge of purchasing. 请告诉我采购部门的负责人是哪一位?
- The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. 供求规律决定商品的价格。
- A citizen is expected to conform to the law of his country. 一个好公民应当遵从他国家的法律。
- The loss of purchasing power spreads through the economy. 购买力下降的损失波及整个经济。
- Newtow conclusively established the law of gravity. 牛顿确定了万有引力定律。
- You must master the law of conservation of energy. 你必须掌握能量守衡定律。
- They never vary from the law of nature. 他们从不违反自然规律。
- We must respect the laws of a country we are in. 我们必须遵守所在国家的法律。
- The traveler's checks cost1.5% of the total amount of purchase. 旅行支票手续费是购买总额的1。5%。
- He is interested in the laws of nature. 他对自然界法则很有兴趣。
- Do you know the laws of the game? 你知道这项比赛的规则吗?
- It is an inevitable law of nature. 这是不可避免的自然规律。
- He was busy calculating the cost of purchasing a new home. 他正忙于计算购买一套新房的费用。
- This is a matter of a law of nature. 这是自然规律。