- According to laws in operation, the former is liability for presumptive wrongs, and the latter is general liability for wrongs. 依现行法,前者为过错推定责任,后者为一般过错责任。
- Ensure that the grille is in place while the machinery is in operation. 机器运转时一定要放好安全网罩。
- He commenced studying law in 1988. 他於一九八八年开始学习法律。
- Bigamy is considered to be against law in many countries. 在许多国家里重婚都被看作是违反法律的。
- I am skilled in operating a computer. 我能够熟练操作计算机。
- When the machine is in operation,keep away from it. 机器运转时,请勿靠近。
- Have you a mind to study law in the future? 你将来打算学法律吗?
- At the end of the year,87 kaitos were in operation. 年底时,共有87艘"街渡"行走。
- He decided to test the law in his own person. 他决定以身试法。
- To vibrate or rattle while in operation. 运动时摇摆或嘎嘎作响.
- This law in not is enforce at the present time. 目前该法停止强制执行。
- We have set the plan in operation. 我们把计划付诸实施。
- Germany then declared martial law in these cities. 德国这时就在这些城市宣布戒严令。
- Are the machines still in operation? 机器还在运转吗?
- Countermeasure Analysis on Enterprise Group Challenging Law in Operation 企业集团问题对现行法律的挑战与对策分析
- At the end of 1998, 84 kaitos were in operation. 截至一九九八年底为止,共有84条“街渡”航线。
- What's my remedy in law in this case? 这件事我能采取什么法律手段?
- The system will be in operation by June. 该制度将于6月实施。
- Kate's word was law in the Brown household. 凯特的话在布朗家就是金科玉律。
- The tape recorder was in operation. 录音机在转动。