- An arrest by a law enforcement officer. 逮捕由法律执行官员进行的逮捕
- An arrestby a law enforcement officer. 逮捕由法律执行官员进行的逮捕。
- Along comes a law enforcement officer in his boat. 一个警官划着船过来了。
- A law enforcement officer who deals with narcotics violations. 处理贩毒案件的法律执行官员
- A city law enforcement officer in the United States who carries out court orders. 市司法官美国市法律执行官员,负责实施法庭命令
- The threat or use of force against a law enforcement officer is not justified . 暴力对抗执法人员会被认定有罪。
- Law enforcement officers always go by the book. 法律执行官总是按常规行事。
- A person or group who takes the responsibility of a law enforcement officer into their won hands. 承担执法人员维持治安责任的个人和群体。
- A very heavy metal bar used by firefighters and law enforcement officers to break down walls and doors. 破墙槌一种非常沉重的金属槌,是救火人员和执法官员用来捣破墙和门而用的
- Domestic violence is one of the most dangerous calls that a law enforcement officer has to make. 家庭暴力是执法官最难应付的案件之一。
- But remember, statements made to a law enforcement officer may be used against a juvenile. 需要记住的是,在检控官前所做的陈述可能会作为控诉孩子的材料。
- Police brutality may occur if a law enforcement officer uses or attempts to use greater force than necessary to make the arrest, search, stop and frisk, or halt. 在进行逮捕、调查、滞留、搜身、要求(被盘问者或被调查者)站住等执行公务中,如果执法人员使用了或意图使用超出必要范围的权力,就会有暴力执法现象发生。
- Police brutality may occur if a law enforcement officer uses or attempts to use greater force than necessary to make the arrest, search, stop and frisk , or halt. 在进行逮捕、调查、滞留、搜身、要求(被盘问者或被调查者)站住等执行公务中,如果执法人员使用了或意图使用超出必要范围的权力,就会有暴力执法现象发生。
- The act of using exce ive physical force by police or other law enforcement officers. 警察或其他执法人员过多使用体罚的行为。
- The act of using excessive physical force by police or other law enforcement officers. 警察或其他执法人员过多使用体罚的行为。
- And by not urging restraint, their actions countenanced violence against law enforcement officers. 更由于他们对随众毫无节制的行为,进而奖励了群众对执法官员以暴力相向。
- Xiaogan City Authority Jeong law enforcement officers claim to the enterprise, please, Sok smoke. 孝感市城市管理局执法人员郑某向企业索请、索烟。
- Unprecedented numbers of law enforcement officers on land, air and water will make securit... 作者:第八号当铺点击:241发布时间:一个月前最后评论:一个月前
- A bomb explosion in an Oregon bank, kills two law enforcement officers including a bomb technician. 一个炸弹在俄勒冈州的银行爆炸,有两名执法者死亡其中包括一名技术人员。
- Three suspects in the drug case ask to meet ICAC officers, wishing to expose syndicated corruption of law enforcement officers. 贩毒案中三名疑犯称欲揭发执法人员集体贪污,要求与廉署人员会面。