- To regulate, control, or keep in order with or as if with a law enforcement agency. 维持治安通过或仿佛是通过一个执行法律的机构来约束、管理或保持秩序
- Whether Law Enforcement Agency to Anti-monopoly Law Should Have Independent Judicial Authority or Not? 反垄断执法机构是否该拥有独立审判权?
- The powers of arrest, detention and granting of bail are fundamental to any law enforcement agency. 拘捕、扣留和准予保释是任何执法机构的基本所需权力。
- To any law enforcement agency, a sound legal framework is imperative to the effective discharge of its duties. 对于执法机构来说,要有效履行其职责,莫过于有一套健全的法律体制作为后盾。
- Douglas County Georgia Sheriff's Office - Information on law enforcement agency for Douglas County, Georgia. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The Bartow County Sheriff's Office - Local law enforcement agency for Bartow County, Georgia. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- This consists of a sound legal framework, an effective enforcement agency and an independent judiciary to uphold the rule of law. 这结构包括健全的法律架构,高效率的执法机关及独立的司法机构,使我们得以维护法纪。
- NB: The satellites are not available to law enforcement agencies. 注:卫星是不被法律执行机构所有。
- But the ICAC as an organisation had changed. It was now an internationally renowned law enforcement agency operating in a global capacity. 如今它已成为国际知名的执法机关,在全球打击贪污的工作上扮演重要角色。
- Non-residents may have the fingerprints taken at the local police station or law enforcement agency of the place currently residing. 非居留者办理,则可以在当地的警署或执法机构办理指纹采集。
- Other forms of abusing the dominant market status as determined by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council. (七)国务院反垄断执法机构认定的其他滥用市场支配地位的行为。
- This may include occasions when we are required to transmit personal information according to instructions received from a law enforcement agency or other authorised body. 这可能包括当我们根据从执法机构或其它获得授权的机构那里收到的指示而需要传送您的个人信息的情况。
- The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall verify the facts, reasons and evidence presented by the business operators and interested parties under investigation. 反垄断执法机构应当对被调查的经营者、利害关系人提出的事实、理由和证据进行核实。
- Chief's Counsel: Should Law Enforcement Agencies Apologize for Mistakes? 首席律师:执法机关应当道歉?
- Our enforcement agency should guarantee that issued orders allow no disobedience. 我们的执法机关一定要做到令出法随。
- With a court-issued warrant law enforcement agencies could then get the keys from the escrow agents to decrypt suspect messages. 而后,利用法院颁发的保证书,法律执行机构能够从保管代理那里得到密钥,对可疑报文进行解密。
- To mete out justice as one sees fit without due recourse to law enforcement agencies or the courts. 随意处罚以某人自己觉得适合的方式给予司法处罚,而不通过正当程序诉诸法律执行机关或法庭
- Too often,he says,financial institutions wait until they have been raided by law enforcement agencies or subpoenaed by the courts. 韦布什先生说,金融机构总是到了被执法机构突袭或收到法庭的传票以后才有所行动。
- Frequent contacts with local and overseas law enforcement agencies and consulates were maintained. Special operations were mounted against forgery syndicates. 该处与本港和海外执法机关及各领事馆经常保持联络,并针对伪造证件集团采取特别行动。
- To raise cash for his company, DeLorean got involved in drug-trafficking ventures that turned out to be a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) sting operation. 为了替他的公司筹措资金,第罗伦铤而走险的牵涉一笔毒品的非法走私交易,结果这是由缉毒局驱使操控的(虚构出来诱捕第罗伦的)。