- Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry. 洗衣机把洗衣工作带出了洗衣房。
- A mosquito netting completely surrounds our bed. 一顶蚊帐把我们的床完全围住了。
- Give me a laundry list and I'll set it to music. 把要洗的衣服单交给我,我就会把它谱成曲子了。
- The bird had to be extricated from the netting. 要把小鸟从网中救出。
- There is a laundry chute in the house. 房里有一个运脏衣物的滑道。
- This heap of dirty clothes is for the laundry. 这堆脏衣服是准备要送洗的。
- A mesh fabric resembling such netting. 网眼织物织出的与此类网相似的网状物
- The prisoner escaped notice by hiding in a laundry truck. 那名犯人躲藏在一辆洗衣店的卡车中而没有被发觉。
- The boys were netting cicadas in the woods. 男孩子们在林子里用网捕捉蝉。
- The bird got entangled in the wire netting. 鸟被金属网缠住。
- When does the wash come back from the laundry? 送到洗衣店的衣服什麽时候取回来?
- Folded the laundry; folded the chairs for stacking. 折起洗好的衣服; 折起椅子放在一边
- He hit the tennis ball over the net. 他把网球打过了网。
- The ball glanced off the goal post into the net. 球撞到球门柱上斜飞入网。
- The net weight of this jar of coffee is 180 grams. 这瓶咖啡净重180克。
- laundry netting 洗衣用网袋;染色用网袋
- If I lose my job, I've got no safety net. 我丢掉这份工作就无计可施了。
- The fish tangled in the mesh of the net has died. 那条卡在网眼上的鱼已经死了。
- My laundry will not dry because of the humidity. 由于湿度关系,我的衣物无法晾干。
- Practise throwing the ball into the net. 练习投篮。