- launder separation process 流水槽比重分选法
- The prospect of membrane separation process in the field was also analyzed. 对膜分离过程应用于该领域的前景进行了分析。
- Most commercial helium is recovered from natural gas through a cryogenic separation process. 大多数商用氦是通过一种低温分离过程从天然气中回收的。
- Emulsion-liquid-membrane (ELM) separation process is a special separation technique, which invented by L.N. 液膜技术是一种新型的分离技术,它综合了溶剂萃取和膜渗透技术的特点,是膜分离技术的重要分支。
- The extraction mechanism and separation process of lanthanum and actinium were studied in HDEHP (kerosene) -HNO3system. 研究了在HNO_3体系中,P_(204)萃取La和Ac的机理及影响La,Ac萃取分离因素,给出了La,Ac分配的数学模型。
- The extraction mechanism and separation process of lanthanum and actinium were studied in HDEHP (kerosene)NO3 system. 本文研究了在HNO_3体系中,P_(204)萃取La和Ac的机理及影响La,Ac萃取分离因素,给出了La,Ac分配的数学摸型。
- OBJECTIVE To extract the polyprenol homologues from Ginkgo biloba leaves and optimize the separation process. 目的从银杏叶中提取聚戊烯醇同系物并对其提取工艺进行优化。
- A better separation process is needed to improve the reproducibility and quality of the mesophase pitch precursor. 因此,需要有一种较好的分离工艺,以便能够保证沥青在分离过程中,分离后的沥青组分再现性和沥青中间前驱体的质量。
- The extraction separation process for zirconium and hafnium with MIBK was briefly reviewed in this paper. 简要评述了用甲基异丁基酮(MIBK)萃取分离锆铪方法的基本原理、分离工艺和条件、萃取设备。
- After the separation process, the backside of the stamper is backsanded and polished to get a smooth backside. 分离之后,再对压模的背面进行打磨和抛光以形成光滑的表面。
- The synthetic polymeric flocculant is an important additive for the red mud separation process in alumina production. 摘要合成高分子絮凝剂是氧化铝生产过程赤泥分离工序的重要添加剂。
- The stability of flow rate influences the separation quality in the size separation process of micropowder by overflow. 溢流分级中流量的稳定性直接关系到分级质量。
- Pressure swing adsorption(PSA) gas separation process is analyzed with the systematic entropy analytical method. 采用系统熵分析的方法对变压吸附气体分离过程进行了分析。
- The application of magnetic seeding separation process in refining kaolinite containing coal has been studied. 本文较详细介绍了磁种分离技术在煤系高岭土这一新领域的应用研究。
- The separation process included extraction of total lipids, extraction of GLS and chromatography. 层析是纯化GLS的关键,其目的为最大限度地去除磷脂、蛋白脂等,其方式多种多样。
- A woman employed to launder clothes or linens. 洗衣女工雇来清洗衣服或亚麻制品的妇女
- The separation process and equip-ment of simulated moving bed is briefly introduced. 简要介绍了模拟移动床吸附分离工艺及设备。
- The synthesis and separation processes of o-chlorotoluene are described. 介绍了国内外对氯甲苯的合成与分离工艺。
- The gang launder the steal money through their chain of restaurant. 这帮匪徒通过他们的连锁饭店洗赃款。
- Get out some conclusion by researching the compound roof separation process and mechanism of preparation roadway under high horizon stress. 通过对高水平应力条件下采区准备巷道复合顶板的离层过程和机理进行研究,得出了相关结论。