- It was said that some bad Fukien people launder money via Chinese restaurants. 上菜速度相当快。
- But there are increasing concerns that Hong Kong property could become an attractive vehicle for mainland Chinese to launder money. 但越来越多的人担心香港的地产会成为大陆人一项诱人的洗钱工具。
- A poor border guard is easier to tempt than a rich one, and a struggling business may be persuaded to launder money. 一名穷困的保安比富裕的更容易受到怂恿,一个勉强挣扎的公司可能被说服迈向洗钱之路。
- At issue is $25m, frozen in a Macau-based bank, which the Americans suspected North Korea of using to launder money. 问题出在2500万美元在澳门银行的冻结资金,这笔资金美国怀疑北韩洗钱。
- That's what you get when you work for those two bit cartels that don't even know how to launder money properly. 那是什么你得到当你为甚而不会适当地洗金钱的那两位企业联合工作。
- Earlier this year, America took aim at banks that were helping Mr Kim's regime to launder money, a pinch that may have caused North Korea to hit back with the nuclear test. 今年上半年,美国瞄准了帮助金正日政权洗钱的那些银行,可能正是这一打击令朝鲜想以核试验作为回击。
- More and more hackers are going professional and joining with organized crime to steal data and extort and launder money from their victims. 越来越多的黑客变得专业,并加入有组织的犯罪,从受害者中偷窃数据,勒索,洗钱。
- He was charged with laundering money. 他被指控洗钱。
- The use of institutional electronic money transfers to launder money on a global scale is already out of anyone's control. 机构的电子货币使用已经失控,演变成全球范围内的洗钱活动。
- North Korea's already limping economy is suffering too, as banks that once helped launder money for the communist state, for example in Macau, have frozen its accounts. 朝鲜已然疲软的经济也正受此影响,因为曾经帮朝鲜政府洗黑钱的那些银行,比如澳门的银行,已经冻结了该国的账户。
- The gang laundered money through their chain of restaurants. 这帮匪徒通过他们的连锁饭店洗赃款。
- Two years later, because the illegal immigration, the illegal immigrant and launder money three charges, east the hangover are condemned by the American Court 144 month imprisonments. 两年后,因非法入境、非法移民及洗钱三项罪名,余振东被美国法院判处144个月监禁。
- He is an expert at laundering money . He has been in the gang smuggling drugs for over thirty years. 他可是洗钱的老手。他在贩毒道上已混了三十多年了。
- Chen Shuibian launders money the first channel is, Taiwan locality exchange shop or illegal money shop. 陈水扁洗钱的第一个渠道是,台湾当地的兑换店或地下钱庄。
- A story which will not go away is that Benetton was a front, a way of laundering money. 一个挥之不去的故事是贝纳通公司只是个门面,一个洗钱的工具。
- Montenegro is a great place for a second home;it's also a place for laundering money. 黑山共和国是购置房产最好的地方,也是个一掷千金的地方。
- This is launders money one of most common ways, is also the Chen family early time money laundering way. 这是洗钱最常见的方式之一,也是陈家早期的洗钱方式。
- The financial talks deal with the blacklisting of a bank in Macau that Washington says aided North Korean counterfeiting and laundering money. 财政会谈处理了被列入黑名单的澳门银行,美国政府称其帮助朝鲜制造假币,并进行洗钱。
- Nikita returns to Section and questions the reason for her mission, they tell her that he launders money, but there's more. 当两人的资料早已被国家在人口记录上删除,并专门负责危险性极高的特攻任务,每次出门均已抱着必死之心,生与死,早已置之度外。
- The financial talks deal with the blacklisting of a bank in Macau that Washington says it aided North Korea counterfeiting and laundering money. 财政会谈是就一家被列入黑名单中的澳门银行开始的。华盛顿指责北朝鲜在此伪造假币和洗钱。