- Simulation and test methods of launch dynamics of multiple launch rocket system II. 多管火箭发射动力学仿真与试验测试方法2。
- Cramming five miniature satellites into the nose of one launch rocket has had a collateral engineering benefit. 将五颗小型卫星塞入发射火箭头部已取得间接的工程学优势。
- The analysis on dynamics of multiple launch rocket system(MLRS) are the premise and key for evaluating and improving the performance of MLRS. 多管火箭动力学分析是评估和提高多管火箭性能的前提和关键。
- The virtual prototype of new Multiple Launch Rocket System(MLRS)combined with mechanism-liquid coupling model is created by using ADAMS software. 基于ADAMS建立了机械系统和液压系统耦合的某多管火箭发射系统虚拟样机。
- The influence of firing orders on vibration characteristics and dispersion of fire of Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) was analyzed. 研究多管火箭射击顺序对其振动特性和密集度等系统性能的影响,为优化射击顺序提高射击密集度提供直接的方法。
- The launch was delayed by one week after JAXA said it had discovered a problem with the gas jet thruster for its launch rocket. 这颗卫星将让学生在亚洲国家的沟通顺畅,并没有相隔的时间,好像他们在同一个教室。
- That would mean satellite and launch rocket would have to be designed in tandem, so customers could not shop around for different launch vehicles. 那就意味着卫星和助推火箭必须同步设计,这样消费者才不会为各种发射器多番比较。
- The analysis on dynamics of multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) are the premise and key for evaluating and improving the performance of MLRS. 摘要多管火箭动力学分析是评估和提高多管火箭性能的前提和关键。
- They frequently launch rocket and other attacks on the settler communities that they see as being so symbolic of the Israeli presence. 后者多次向定居者社区发射火箭和其它攻击物,因为他们视其为以色列存在的象征。
- Cramming five of miniature satellites into the nose of one launch rocket has a collateral engineering benefit. Each is a cube, less than one meter wide and high. 把5枚微型卫星挤入火箭前端有间接的工程利益。每一个立方都不足1米高和宽。
- Antitank ammunition is faced with flinty challenge, then target sensitive projectile of LMLRS (Long range Multiple Launch Rocket System) emerge as the times require. 反坦克武器面临严峻的挑战,远程火箭末敏弹便应运而生。
- Abstract The influence of firing order and firing interval on vibration characteristic and firing dispersion of multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) was analyzed. 摘要 研究多管火箭射击顺序和射击时间间隔对其振动特性和密集度等系统性能的影响,为优化射击顺序提高射击密集度提供直接的方法。
- Especially, one kind method--Collaborative Optimization(CO) is discussed. By applying CO in two function problems, the performance of CO is analyzed and improved. In the end of this part, CO is applied in conceptual design of launch rocket. 重点研究协同优化方法的计算特性,通过两个简单的函数实例分析协同优化方法的计算特性,对其不足进行改进,并将其应用于一个包含三个学科的运载火箭设计实例,实现了学科之间并行优化,得到了改善的收敛解,从而验证协同优化方法的可行性。
- Data of the related reliability、maintainability、supportability of the launch rocket system is collected and analyzed, and it is processed according as data demand of the simulation model. 经收集分析该武器系统相关可靠性、维修性、保障性数据,并依据仿真模型的数据要求进行数据处理。
- To evaluate the firing accuracy of weapon system by use of a little number of ammunition is the seeking target of approval test in the course of multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) development. 用较少的弹药科学评价武器系统射击准确度是多管火箭武器系统定型试验追求的目标。
- "Instead of caring about the people of Gaza, Hamas decided to use Gaza to launch rockets to kill innocent Israelis. 布什说:“哈马斯并不关切加沙人民。它决定利用加沙发动火箭攻击,杀害无辜的以色列人。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon. 载有受过训练的宇航员的火箭马上就要发射了。
- The motor launch was fitting out as a fishing boat. 这艘摩托艇正在装备成渔船。
- multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) 多管火箭系统