- That were built during the late Qing Dynasty. 大多数还都是清朝末年建造的。
- Wu Tingfang was a famous diplomat in the late Qing period. 摘要伍廷芳是晚清时期著名的外交家。
- The dissemination of Western learning and the late Qing society II. 西学东渐与晚清社会2。
- I think the second oxtail is in late Qing and Minguo dynasties. 第二把牛尾小弟看清晚、民国。
- In late Qing dynasty,about 100 years,cupronickel,82cm. 清晚期;100年左右.;白铜嘴饰
- The craft of hoop and head is a bit different,in late Qing dynasty. 护箍的剑首的工艺也略有不同,“龙泉宝剑,废除邪魔”给个清晚
- His poetry sometimes rises to the level of the late Qing poets. 他的诗有时达到了晚清诗人的境界。
- Liu Yishun is an elitist in the folk religious world in the late Qing Dynasty. 刘仪顺是晚清民间宗教世界中的一位杰出人物。
- On the Theroy of Fiction Genre in the Late Qing and the Early P. R. C. 论清末民初的小说类型理论。
- Dao is in late Qing dynasty,the Arabic numerals were carved afterward. 刀是清晚期的;阿拉伯数字是后刻的.
- As an active advocator of Wuehaoxue during the late Qing dynasty, Zhang Tai-yan had keen interest in Weijin literature. 摘要作为清末民初时期“五朝学”的积极提倡者,章太炎对于魏晋文学表现出极大的关注。
- In southern Shaanxi of late Qing Dynasty, landlord-tenant fanning was the dominant practice. 摘要清后期陕南地区的地主-佃农经济和小农佃耕制度占据主导地位。
- Li Zhi was a well-Known thinker, educator and man of letters in the Later Qing Dynasty. 摘要李贽是明代后期名震朝野的异端思想家、著名文学家和教育家。
- The research on CEN Yu-ying is one of important topics the personage study of late Qing Dynasty. 摘要岑毓英研究是晚清人物研究的重要选题之一。
- The general decoration &patina lead me to believe the fittings are at least later Qing. 总体的装饰风格和铜绿让我相信饰件是晚清或者更晚的。
- In the Later Qing Dynasty, because of the affection of the change of society, religion problems also changed greatly. 摘要在清末广西,由于受社会性质变动的影响,宗教问题也发生了很大程度的转变。
- The carved inscription one sees now in the temple was done by Yu Yue the celebrated textual critic of late Qing. 寺中现存的张继诗碑,为晚清著名的朴学大师俞樾补书重刻。
- The third part Late Qing build law and modern market management formulation of regulation. 第三部分,晚清修律与近代市场管理法规的制定。
- The most active and successful literal genre is the condemning novel in the literary world of late QING dynasity. 晚清文坛上最为活跃、最有创作实绩的是被称为“谴责小说”的一批职业文人的创作。
- This cultural conflict is a determiner for the failure of political reformation in the late Qing Dynasty. 这种文化冲突决定著晚清政治改革的失败命运。