- The image of Ximen Qing emerged in mid and late Ming Dynasty. 西门庆形象产生的时代背景是明代中后叶。
- Xiaopin in Late Ming dynasty refers to literary proses after Wanli time. 晚明小品是指明代万历以后出现的文学性散文。
- Yang Wencong was not only a famous Scholar-painter, but also an import ant bureaucrat in Late Ming Dynasty. 杨文骢是晚明文人画坛的重要画家,但同时也是晚明政局中举足轻重的人物。
- It was unbalanced examined from regions, and it experienced some changes in the early, middle and late Ming Dynasty. 从地域上看,明代人口分布并不均衡;从时间上看,明代前、中、后期各地区人口分布发生了一些变化。
- This dissertation is research on Xiang's calligraphy connoisseurship and collection in Jiaxing, late Ming dynasty. 本文为晚明嘉兴项氏法书鉴藏的专题研究,分五章。
- Min-family and Ling-family in WuXing was important private publisher in late Ming dynasty. 摘要吴兴闵氏、凌氏家族是明代后期浙江重要的私家刻书商。
- At the end, the thesis analyze the advance effect that the imitative works of Huaben of later Ming dynasty make on process of Buddism vulgarization. 最后,分析了晚明拟话本对佛教文化世俗化进程的促进作用。
- This patterned method of painting correlates to the individualistic modes that were common in the late Ming dynasty. 图案化的笔墨形式,与晚明变形主义颇有契合之处。
- Wuchang, Hankou and one from the late Ming Dynasty were on a considerable scale into the city. 其中汉口和武昌从明朝后期起就分别发展成相当规模的城市。
- Supervisors' transmuting produce bad influence in late Ming dynasty and accelerate the declining and fa... 言官的蜕变对明中后期社会产生了恶劣影响,对明朝的衰亡起了推波助澜的作用。
- Huaben stories prospered in the late Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty but declined afterwards. 摘要文人话本在明代天启、崇祯和清代顺治大约四十年间出现繁荣局面,到清代康熙年间已经衰微。
- Yu Shenxing was a famous statesman and writer, historian in the late Ming Dynasty. 摘要于慎行是明代后期著名的政治家和文学家、史学家。
- Luo Jinxi was a famous thinker of the late Ming Dynasty in China.He was the main representative of Taizhou school. 罗近溪是我国中晚明时期著名思想家,阳明后学泰州学派的主要代表人。
- This ambiguity was caused by the confusion of axiology in tin, late Ming Dynasty. 这种含混是因为晚明价值论的混乱造成的。
- "About half of the Chinaware was produced in Zhangzhou in the late Ming Dynasty," said Christie's spokesperson Julie King. 克里斯蒂拍卖行发言人Julie king说:“大约一半瓷器产自明朝末年的漳州,
- Ren Xiong (1822-1857) and Ren Xun (1835-1893) were brothers who had learned from painter Chen Hongshou of the late Ming Dynasty. 任熊(1822-1857)、任薰(1835-1893)两兄弟曾师法明末画家陈洪绶,
- It met Townspeople's aspirations and reflected the tastes of secular people in late Ming Dynasty making literature to meet ordinary civilians. 适应了市井细民的渴求,反映了晚明世俗百姓的审美趣味,张扬和明示着文学适应市井平民的文学趋向。
- Content: Literature was flouring in several areas from the middle Ming Dynasty to the late Ming Dynasty, especially in the Wuzhong area. 内容:明中晚期地域文学较为发达,其中吴中文学尤为兴盛。
- The flexible and meaningful individuated short essays of late Ming dynasty were the proclamation of the scholars of that time. 摘要形式轻灵、隽永,体制短小精炼而富有个性化的小品文,是晚明文人心灵的宣言书。
- Ancient Chinese penholder is in addition to pens, ink, paper, Yan outside the most important text of the appliances, some in the late Ming Dynasty. 笔筒是中国古代除笔、墨、纸、砚以外最重要的文房用具,大约出现在明朝中晚期。