- Later generations pay their respects to the illustrious names. 英名流芳后人敬。
- The Greek concentration on geometry blurred the vision of later generations. 希腊人之专注于几何迷糊了后世好几代人的视界。
- He wrote a book to set forth the military exploits of the late general. 他写了一本书来表彰这位已故将军的战功。
- Poems by the French poet Rimbaud had tremendous impact on later generations. 法国诗人兰波的诗歌对后世的影响巨大。
- Later generations disavowed his reign and omitted his name from king lists. 后世拒绝承认阿赫那吞的王权,将他的名字从法老名录中删除了。
- Later generations would inherit the gene, producing more and more males until the population collapsed. 后代将遗传这个基因,产生越来越多的雄性后代,直到这个种群崩溃。
- My hands have lingered upon the living marble of Roman sculpture as well as that of later generations. 我的手在栩栩如生的罗马大理石雕像和后世的雕刻上逗留。
- Initially,artists and writers vehemently denounced the tower although later generations sang its praise. 虽然说后来的人们对铁塔予以歌颂,但最初艺术家和作家对它却进行了猛烈的攻击。
- One generation opens the road upon which later generation travels. 前人开路后人行。
- Later generations would inherit the gene,producing more and more males until the population collapsed. 后代将遗传这个基因,产生越来越多的雄性后代,直到这个种群崩溃。
- The basic beginnings of genetic history lay in the ancient techniques of selective breeding to yield special characteristics in later generations. 遗传史发端于古老的选择性繁殖技术,这种技术能在后代当中产生独特的特征。
- Good-tempered tree fairy guard the ancient forest, leaving the valuable wealth for later generations. 慈祥的树神,守护着几百年留存下来的森林,为后人留下了宝贵的财富。
- The limitations of Greek mathematical thought almost automatically imply the problems the Greeks left to later generations. 希腊数学思想的局限性几乎不言而喻地说明他们遗留给后代的那些问题。
- They handed them down to later generations and they were only used for important events or sacrificial ceremonies. 它们是贵族家庭的传家宝,只有在举行盛大典礼或祭祀时使用。
- Initially, artists and writers vehemently denounced the tower although later generations sang its praise. 虽然说后来的人们对铁塔予以歌颂,但最初艺术家和作家对它却进行了猛烈的攻击。
- As this legendary trip was told and relold by later generations, many embellishments were zealously added. 用了长达十七年的时间,终于实现了自己的伟大宏愿,到达天竺国(今印度)取回了真经。
- In this political enlightened, became the later generations to highly prais with followed the example. 这种政治上的开明,成为后世推崇与效法的典范。
- Qinhui was a notorious sycophantic official in the Song dynasty, and was __1__ by later generations. 秦桧是宋代著名的佞臣,受尽后人的唾骂。
- The prognosis for producing a late generation segregate variety is favorable. 预测从往后几代可能分离出好的品种来。
- But Lion Gate, leading later generations go on the Greek mythology, still engrave on the doorhead. 而狮子门,却依然雄踞在巨石之上,引领着后人承续希腊的神话故事。