- One generation opens the road upon which later generation travels. 前人开路后人行。
- He wrote a book to set forth the military exploits of the late general. 他写了一本书来表彰这位已故将军的战功。
- The prognosis for producing a late generation segregate variety is favorable. 预测从往后几代可能分离出好的品种来。
- These differences include the bolder and more forthright speech of the later generation and its technical inventiveness. 这些不同包括了下一代人大胆直率的言辞和他们的技术发明性。
- NMU has also peculiar quality, for example the glutinous variation appears in the later generation of Zaoxian 26. NMU诱变也具有特异性,例如在早籼26后代中出现了糯性变异株系。
- Ian Wright came to encourage his later generation and saw the field again on which he played more than ten years. 伊恩.;赖特专程到来鼓励他的晚辈们,也最后一次看看这片为之拼搏十余年的绿茵地。
- Even if to try and fail as referential experiences to later generation, it is still contribution. 即使因为尝试而失败,使后人有所借鉴,亦是贡献。
- Later generations pay their respects to the illustrious names. 英名流芳后人敬。
- The love poems he created combine intelligence with passion, limitlessly affecting the late generation. 其爱情诗智力与情感同构,对后世的影响跨越了时空界限。
- Heidegger's concept of "Dasein" and "Hermeneutik der Faktizitat" has brought very tremendous influence to the later generation. 摘要海德格尔的“此在”概念和“此在诠释学”给后世带来了很大的影响。
- His many works by renowned musician Shuman, Liszt, Bolamusi, Lahemaninuofu et al. are reorganized for the piano music spread the later generation. 他的很多作品被著名音乐家舒曼、李斯特、勃拉姆斯、拉赫玛尼诺夫等人改编为钢琴曲而流传后世。
- Art Nouveau, regardless of or in the spiritual essence all is worth our later generation to research and to use for reference. “新艺术”运动无论从表现形式上还是精神实质上都值得后世对其进行借鉴与研究。
- The Greek concentration on geometry blurred the vision of later generations. 希腊人之专注于几何迷糊了后世好几代人的视界。
- Latest generation speed reducing gear pair (high efficiency, low noise level). 最新一代减速齿轮对(高效,低噪音)
- The chair is injection moulded using latest generation air moulding. 座椅采用新一代空气模制技术喷射模铸而成。
- And the latest generation of the Camry have been identified in China. 而且最新一代的佳美已经确定要在中国生产。
- Poems by the French poet Rimbaud had tremendous impact on later generations. 法国诗人兰波的诗歌对后世的影响巨大。
- Later generations disavowed his reign and omitted his name from king lists. 后世拒绝承认阿赫那吞的王权,将他的名字从法老名录中删除了。
- He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了。
- He wrote a book to set forththe military exploits of the late general. 他写了一本书来表彰这位已故将军的战功。