- Yuci the late Warring States period (this Yuci district) people. 战国末期榆次(今榆次区)人。
- In the late Warring States Period, leaders of dozens of kingdoms divide the land and fight viciously to expand their territories in sanguinary civilears. 战国末期,群雄争霸,英雄辈出。各国有志之士纷纷走出国门大展鸿图。卫鞅就是这样一位有志之士。
- late Warring States period 战国后期
- Archaic Codes: scriptof the Warring States Period. 古老的密码:战国文字。
- On the history of the Warring States Period. 战国时期的历史知识吧。
- "Xuan (旋)" was used as an adverb during the late Warring States. 摘要“旋”是战国晚期出现的副词,它由义为“旋转”的动词“旋”语法化而来;
- Late Spring and Autumn to middle Warring States period, 8th to 3rd century B.C.E. 远自商代,在中原四方的民族,便经由各种途径与华夏交流。
- During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period. 它就是越国的都城了。
- In the late Warring States, Qin unification period, after centuries of war, Chinese society changes from the Chou dynasty's enfeoffment system to prefecture and country system. 在战国末期,秦朝大一统时期,中国社会经过几百年的战乱,终于从周代的分封制走向郡县制的政治统一。
- Exactly. During the Warring States Period, there were many states. 没错儿。战国时期有很多国家。
- Three holes coins are minted in the Warring States period. 三孔布正面铸有地名,背面铸有数字,三孔布发现较晚,传世品极稀少。
- Lishi District, from the Warring States period for Zhaoshi yi . 离石区,战国为赵之离石邑。
- Yang-tz was a great scholar of the Warring States Period. 有一天,杨朱的弟弟杨布穿了一件白衣服出门。
- Xiang embroidery was initiated in the Chu Kingdom of the Warring States Period. 湘绣创始于楚国,
- During the Warring States Period, China was divided into many kingdoms. 战国的时候,中国被分成了许多王国。
- Written theories on painting first appeared during the warring States Period. 在这一时期的文献中,已经有了关于绘画的理论论述和绘画记载。
- Lacquer ware wooden beds appeared early in the Warring States Period. 早在战国时期就已经出现了漆木床,
- During the Warring States period, bronze mirrors prevailed among the populace. 战国时期,铜镜在民间盛行。
- WuQi was a Chinese military leader and politician in the Warring States period. 吴起是战国时期的军事家和政治家.
- The hourhand of history pointed at BC 256, which was the Warring State Period. 五年之后,也就是公元前251年,鱼嘴合、宝瓶开,都江堰工程终于建成了!