- He lived in Florida in his late years. 他晚年住在佛罗里达州。
- The opera star wanted in her later years. 那位歌剧明星晚年生活困苦。
- Of late years, John Barton had had a repellent power. 近年来约翰·巴顿身上有一种拒人于千里之外的力量。
- Such a spectacle has seldom been seen of late years. 这样的壮观近年来很少见哪。
- Swedish industry has of late years grown with leaps and bounds. 瑞典的工业近年来飞跃增长。
- The book is selling well, it will be republished in a later year. 这本书很畅销,改年还得再版。
- In her later years she gave herself over to writing full-time. 她晚年专事写作。
- Swedish industrial front is developing by leaps and bounds in the late years. 瑞典的工业近年来出现了跃进的局面。
- In her later years she became a lady bountiful. 她晚年时成了一位女慈善家。
- In his late years, Zong criticized Kantism from the point of reflection. 晚年则自觉地走向对康德思想的反思性批判。
- She found happiness in her later years. 她在晚年才寻得幸福。
- The old overseas Chinese returned to his motherland in his late years. 这位老华侨晚年终于回归祖国。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- Tree thinning was employed in later years. 在以后几年进行间伐。
- Life greatens in these later years. 往後岁月中生活变得更加重要了。
- In her later years she became a ladybountiful. 她在晚年变得乐善好施。
- Cartier-Bresson devoted his later years to drawing. 这种色彩反差凝固成一些宗教味道。
- Opposing tyranny, he led a poor life, and was very miserable in his late years. 由于反抗暴政,他过得很穷苦,晚境凄凉。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- Because of the cold weather the crops are late this year. 因天气寒冷,今年的作物成熟得晚。