- On the Style Development Course of Late Ming Sketch 晚明小品的文体发展历程
- late Ming Sketch 晚明小品
- The image of Ximen Qing emerged in mid and late Ming Dynasty. 西门庆形象产生的时代背景是明代中后叶。
- Catholicism spread in China during the late Ming and early Qing periods. 明末清初,天主教传入我国,并大力劝化世人信奉之。
- Xiaopin in Late Ming dynasty refers to literary proses after Wanli time. 晚明小品是指明代万历以后出现的文学性散文。
- Rose Rutabaga was first made in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. 玫瑰大头菜创始于明末清初,以鲜嫩芥菜为主料,用红糖、盐、饴糖、老白酱油等腌制。
- Yang Wencong was not only a famous Scholar-painter, but also an import ant bureaucrat in Late Ming Dynasty. 杨文骢是晚明文人画坛的重要画家,但同时也是晚明政局中举足轻重的人物。
- The pioneers of seeking truth from the West: the generation of giants among Late Ming intelligentsia. 向西方寻求真理的先驱:晚明知识界的一代伟人。
- Gu Zuyu was not only a famous patriotic historical geographer and military strategist, but also a book compiler in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. 摘要顾祖禹是明末清初著名的历史地理学家,军事家,且是一位图书编撰家。
- It was unbalanced examined from regions, and it experienced some changes in the early, middle and late Ming Dynasty. 从地域上看,明代人口分布并不均衡;从时间上看,明代前、中、后期各地区人口分布发生了一些变化。
- This dissertation is research on Xiang's calligraphy connoisseurship and collection in Jiaxing, late Ming dynasty. 本文为晚明嘉兴项氏法书鉴藏的专题研究,分五章。
- The late Ming, the head of onglin party to this hang, left "Maundy Yuantouzhu edge" sites. 明末,东林党首领高攀龙常来此踏浪吟哦,留有“鼋头渚边濯足”遗迹。
- Min-family and Ling-family in WuXing was important private publisher in late Ming dynasty. 摘要吴兴闵氏、凌氏家族是明代后期浙江重要的私家刻书商。
- Anamorphosis of hammer,from patina and shape,it's in late Ming and early Qing dynasty... 锤的变体;从包浆和型制看为明末清初...
- Wang Yangmings teachings were intermixed with Buddhism in the late Ming Period.. Donglin Scholars tried to disabuse it. 晚明阳明学与禅学合流,学术思想与社会意识发生迷离与衰颓,致使学者们在思想上进行纠弹,其代表是东林学者。
- This patterned method of painting correlates to the individualistic modes that were common in the late Ming dynasty. 图案化的笔墨形式,与晚明变形主义颇有契合之处。
- Evoking many delightful and licentious memories, Nanjing of the late Ming period became a city of pleasure. 太学、贡院和妓院同处一地,制造了更多名士风流的轶事,也让秦淮河成为最广受士大夫记叙的欲望的象徵。
- Wuchang, Hankou and one from the late Ming Dynasty were on a considerable scale into the city. 其中汉口和武昌从明朝后期起就分别发展成相当规模的城市。
- Yang Si-chang was the major minister of the Late Ming dynasty.He was erudite and had written a lot. 明末大臣杨嗣昌,与同时代文人袁中道、钟惺、谭元春等均有交游唱和。
- Cisi is also the late Ming and early Qing Fu Shan, a famous scholar of the President to live in seclusion. 此寺也是明末清初著名学者傅山先生隐居地之。