- Book printing and book trading made Leipzig a centre of European culture in the late Middle Ages. 图书印刷和图书贸易令莱比锡在中世纪晚期成为了一个欧洲文化中心。
- The Doctors of the Church greatly influenced Christian thought down to the late Middle Ages. 教会博士极大地影响了基督会的思想直到中世纪。
- No one knows why a lucky minority experience a dramatic lessening of symptoms in late middle age. 没有人明白为什么少数的幸运者在接近晚年之时症状会显著减轻。
- One gallery we visited in Florence was exhibiting paintings on wood from the late Middle Ages that were gilded with gold leaf. 我们在佛罗伦萨参观的一个画廊展示着中世纪的叶子上镀金的木刻画。
- Historical illustrations of birth. (Left) Late middle ages: A Cesarian section . (Right) 18th century: Midwife helping in the delivery. 分娩的有关历史插图。(左)中世纪晚期:恺撒切割(剖腹产);(右)18世纪:帮助接生的产婆。
- "As autopsies, initially prohibited for religious reasons, became more accepted in the late Middle Ages, people learned more about the causes of death. 尸体剖检最初由于宗教缘故而遭到禁止,到中世纪晚期才较为世人接受,人类因此认识到更多关于死亡的原因。
- The Renaissance first began in Florence in the late Middle Ages which due to many sorts of reasons, then spread to the rest of Europe. 在各种各样的原因之下,文艺复兴在中世纪末期首先出现在弗洛伦萨,然后传遍整个欧洲大陆。)
- The unique political structures of late Middle Ages Italy have led some to theorize that its unusual social climate allowed the emergence of a rare cultural efflorescence. 独特的政治结构的后期中世纪意大利已经导致一些人的理论,它的不同寻常的社会气候允许出现一个罕见的文化风化。
- Later Middle Ages is the gestating and starting period of English Modernization. 中世纪晚期是英国近代化的孕育和启动时期。
- The shroud was also damaged by a fire in the Late Middle Ages which could have added carbon material, resulting in a higher radiocarbon content and a later calculated age. 这块裹尸布在中世纪后期遭到火灾破坏,也可能会增加另外的碳元素,这样会产生高放射性的碳素使计算的年代有所延迟。
- Individualism is one important dimension of modernity and modern concept of value coming from enlightening movement in the later Middle Ages. 个人主义是现代性的重要维度之一,是发轫于中世纪晚期经启蒙运动而形成的现代性价值观念。
- The code of chivalry that so decided social relationships in the later Middle Ages was to emanate from courts such as this. 如此在比较迟的中世纪内决定社会的关系骑士精神的密码要例如 这从法院散发。
- He admires the chivalry of knights in Middle Ages. 他很佩服中世纪武士的侠义精神。
- It has its roots deep in the Middle Ages. 它起源于遥远的中世纪。
- As soon as she was gone, Uzi moved ton to the next slide: a man of later middle age, balding and hollow cheeked, a pair of spectacles perched on his nose above a thick mustache. 她离开后,尤兹换了一张幻灯片:这是一个即将告别中年的男子,秃顶,面容消瘦,颧骨突起,鼻梁上架着一副眼镜,两把粗粗的八字胡。
- During the first centuries (the middle and later middle ages) of the exercise of the Papal right of canonization, the number of new saints canonized by the Holy See was on the decrease. 在教皇正式行使“封圣权”的最初几个世纪中 (即中世纪中后期 ) ,教廷封授的新圣徒人数呈逐渐减少的趋势。
- Europe suffered many plagues in the Middle Ages. 欧洲在中世纪屡屡遭受瘟疫。
- Town Life and Merchant Society in the Late Middle Ages 中世纪后期的城镇生活和商业社会
- The Growth of Nations and Nationalism in the Late Middle Ages 中世纪后期的国家和民族主义发展
- In the Middle Ages, philosophy and theology were inextricable. 在中世纪,哲学与神学是不分的。