- English strawberries usually come in in late June. 英国草莓通常在六月下旬上市。
- W: Late June that means very last day of June? 六月下旬,那是不是说六月的最后一天呢?
- Canicule is from late June to middle Aufust. “三伏天”指的是每年六月下旬到八月中旬这段时间。
- Canicule is from late june to middle august. “三伏天”指的是每年六月下旬到八月中旬这段时间。
- Canicule is from late June to middle Augest. “三伏天”指的是每年六月下旬到八月中旬这段时间。
- The berry-picking season lasts from late June until late September. 采莓季节从六月底持续到九月底。
- Matthew Macon was paroled from state prison in late June. 这名嫌犯名叫马修麦肯,是在6月末从州监狱被保释的。
- I've heard of that. Canicule is from late June to middle August. 我听说过,“三伏天”指的是每年六月下旬到八月中旬这段时间。
- General Clark and I, with a few assistants, left Washington in late June 1942. 克拉克将军和我及几位助理员,在一九四二年六月下旬,离开华盛顿。
- In late June the Communists launch a major counterstroke in central China. 6月下旬,共产党在中原地区发动了大规模反击。
- Since late June, many bulls, cows, goats and pigs have died in Ha Giang. 6月下旬起,河江省牛、羊、猪大批死亡。
- IT WAS LATE JUNE in Sarajevo when Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. 那是在六月底的萨拉热窝,加夫里洛?普林齐普举枪向弗朗茨?斐迪南大公和他的妻子射击。
- In late June 1942 the press of the United States and Great Britain was echoing the Russian cry for a "second front". 1942年6月下旬,美英响应苏俄的呼吁,“开辟第二战
- Olivia smiles after being announced as Miss Waria Indonesia during a pageant for transvestites in Jakar-ta late June 26, 2005. 在印尼这个全球穆斯林人口数最多的伊斯兰国家,每年都会举办一次跨性别的选美,今年的比赛在26日于雅加达举行,超过30位竞争者参加。
- The cool part about this is Kobe nad Ronaldinho are good friends, and they hooked up in Spain in late June. 有意思的是科比和小罗他们是好朋友(现在却是竞争对手),6月份刚刚在西班牙见面。
- The Red Army defended Sevastopol and this important Black Sea naval base was not taken until late June 1942. 尽管苏军拼死守卫塞瓦斯托波尔,这个黑海舰队的重要基地还是在1942年6月底陷落。
- Half freestone when mature. 150g on average and 200g to the max in weight each.Mature in middle and late June. 平均单果重150克,大果重200克,成熟期6月中下旬。
- The primordial of petal, stamen and pistl occur successively from early June to late June. 花瓣、雄蕊、雌蕊原体于六月上旬至下旬相继出现;
- Luocheng villagers said they'll await the results ofarchitectural inspections, which higher-ups promised by late June. 罗成村民说他们会等待建筑检验机构的调查结果,机构负责人许诺六月末会出结果。
- While PNPA increased to its highest value in late June, and the highest level of PGR appeared in mid-June. 枣树的单药花粉量在6月中下旬最高,而花粉萌发率在6月中旬出现高峰。