- We will talk about the last Element, Resultant, in our Part 6. 我们将在第六部分谈有关最后的元素,合成。
- The array_pop() function deletes the last element of an array. 函数删除了一个数组中的最后一个元素。
- That is, it traverses from the last element toward the first. 也就是,从最后一个元素到第一个元素遍历容器。
- Press LEFT ARROW again to select the last element in the previous group. 再次按向左键将选择上一组中的最后一个元素。
- The last element of a character designed for asynchronous serial transmission, used to insure recognition of the next start element. 在异步串行传输中,一个字符中的最后码元,用以确保可以识别下一个起始码元。
- The one-dimensional Array is searched forward starting at the first element and ending at the last element. 向前搜索一维Array,从第一个元素开始,到最后一个元素结束。
- Removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by the iterator (optional operation). 迭代器从底层集合中删除刚返回的元素(可选操作)。
- If the current element is the last element in the group, the next group is selected when you press the RIGHT ARROW. 如果当前元素是组中的最后一个元素,则在按向右键时会选择下一组。
- For the same reason there is a comma with no last element in the linked set example. 出于相同的原因,在链接的集示例中有一个逗号,而没有最后一个月份。
- The List is searched backward starting at the last element and ending at the first element. 在List中从最后一个元素向后开始搜索,并在第一个元素停止搜索。
- The off-the-end iterator is used as a sentinel and refers to an element one past the last element in the range. 超出末端迭代器用作结束遍历的“哨兵”,指向范围内最后一个元素的下一位置。
- The end() function moves the internal pointer to, and outputs, the last element in the array. 函数的作用是:将数组的内部指针指向最后一个元素并输出它。
- The last element, aether, can best be described as pure energy or light.It is the stuff of the eternities. 最后一个元素醚,可最贴切地形容为纯能量或光,这是永恒的东西。
- After each() has executed, the array cursor will be left on the next element of the array, or past the last element if it hits the end of the array. 在执行each()之后,数组指针将停留在数组中的下一个单元或者当碰到数组结尾时停留在最后一个单元。
- If we wish to specify no arguments or multiple arguments, we need to use the full constructor syntax, as we do in the initializer for the last element. 如果希望不指定实参或指定多个实参,就需要使用完整的构造函数语法,正如最后一个元素的初始化那样。
- When we call this version, we pass two pointers: one to the first element we want to print and one just past the last element. 调用这个版本的函数需要传递两个指针:一个指向要输出的第一个元素,另一个则指向最后一个元素的下一个位置。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- End SyncLock statements, because once the last element has been incremented, the new message must be stored before any other thread can increment the last element again. 语句的保护,因为一旦增加了最近的元素,就必须先存储新消息,然后任何其他线程才可以再次增加最近的元素。
- Tradition requires that the nativity scene be built up over time until Christmas Eve, when baby Jesus is put in the manger as the very last element of the display. 传统上耶稣诞生实景活动将延续到圣诞节前夕,届时小耶稣的雕像将被放入马槽,作为展示的最后一个项目。