- Steen W. M., “Laser Material Processing”, Springer-Verlag London Limited 1998, 2nd 2001. 陈俊良,雷射压印技术之研究,国立成功大学机械工程学系,硕士论文,民国93年.
- Rare earth doped natrium yttrium tungstate (RE:NaY(WO_4)_2, abbreviated RE:NYW) is a kind of solid laser material which is apt to LD pump. 掺稀土双钨酸钇钠晶体(RE:NaY(WO_4)_2,简称RE:NYW)晶体是一种适用于LD泵浦的固体激光工作物质。
- Yttrium aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12, YAG) is not only a very important laser material, but also a high-temperature structural material and a fluorescence material. 钇铝石榴石(Y_3Al_5O_12,简称YAG)是一种重要的激光基质材料,同时它还作为高温材料和荧光材料得到了广泛的应用,本文主要讨论了化学共沉法、燃烧法制备YAG的超微粉的工艺,并对YAG超微粉的性能及物相进行了分析;
- The (SBA-15) - (DBC-ASA) composite materials have the potential applied value in laser material field. 复合材料(SBA-15)-(DBC-ASA)在激光材料等领域中具有潜在应用价值。
- The mathematics method on the complete function of inte grated broadening optical lineshape for laser material is given.The basic proper ties of the complete lineshape function are analyzed. 本文建立了一种求解激光工作物质综合加宽机制下谱线线型函数统一的数学方法。分析、讨论了激光工作物质在各种加宽机制下光谱线线型函数的基本特性。
- Their future research will focus on the search for sunlight can be efficiently converted to laser material, the most likely to be selected is an addition of chromium and neodymium YAG crystal. 今后他们的研究重点将放在寻找可以高效地将阳光转换为激光的材料方面,目前最有可能被选用的是一种添加了钕和铬的钇铝石榴石晶体。
- In Japan, research on laser material processing are mainly carried out in Osaka University,Applied Engineering Center (ALEC)and Advanced Materials Processing Institut. 而日本的有关研究工作主要有大阪大学、应用工程中心和先进材料加工研究中心承担。
- Advanced laser optics for laser material processing 激光材料加工用先进的激光光学系统
- This paper summarized the state-of-the-art of high power laser materials processing technology applied in vehicle industry, especially in autobody manufacturing. 综述了高功率激光加工技术在汽车行业尤其是车身制造业中的应用优点及国外的应用状况。
- Fluorescent characteristic of dye laser materials including Rhodamine 6G,vulcanized Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 101,pumped by high-power laser was experimentally studied. 对三种在染料激光器中常用的激光染料(若丹明6G、硫化若丹明B、若丹明101)的乙醇溶液在强激光泵浦下的荧光性能进行了实验研究。
- Fluorescent characteristic of dye laser materials including Rhodamine 6G, vulcanized Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 101, pumped by high-power laser was experimentally studied. 对三种在染料激光器中常用的激光染料(若丹明6G、硫化若丹明B、若丹明101)的乙醇溶液在强激光泵浦下的荧光性能进行了实验研究。
- Moreover, similar as most of solid-state laser materials, the output energy of Cr, Yb, Er co-doped phosphate glass decreases with the increment of temperature and repetition rate. 此外, 如同大多数激光介质那样, 铬镱铒共掺磷酸盐玻璃的激光输出能量随铒玻璃工作温度的升高和工作重复频率的增加而降低。
- The application of rare earth compounds on polymer, including being used as catalyst, fluorescent or lasering material, magnetic polymer, filler or modifier, stabilizer and so on, were reviewed. 摘要综述了稀土化合物在高分子材料科学领域应用研究的现状和进展。
- The unrelenting pursuit of the silicon laser has finally begun to pay off.At last, the field seems to have reached the critical mass that will allow silicon to challenge traditional laser materials. 科学家对矽雷射孜孜不倦的努力,终于开始有所斩获,矽迟早将开花结果,与传统雷射材料一争长短。
- A laser is a device composed a special material. 激光器这种器件是用特殊材料制成的。
- MBE Growth of Semiconductor Laser Materials 半导体激光器材料的MBE生长
- Laser Ceramic--the New Focusing Point of Exploring Solid Laser Material 激光陶瓷--固体激光工作物质探索的新热点
- William M. Steen“ Laser Material Processing ”Springer Publication , 2001 丁胜懋,“雷射工程导论”中央图书出版社,2000
- There is no single laser fit for all purposes. 没有单一种激光器能适用于各种用途。
- How does a laser beam vaporize steel? 激光束是怎样使钢气化的?