- laser for clinical medicine 医用激光器
- This paper discusses the great significance of database of multimedia fodders for clinical medicine education. 临床医学多媒体素材库的建设对于教学活动的开展及教学效果具有十分重要的意义。
- This study dealt with blood supply and arterial anastomosis in conus arteriosus, and provided morphological basis for clinical medicine. 本文研究了动脉圆锥部的动脉供应及其吻合,为临床应用提供了形态学依据。
- Method:It pass through this antibacterial extrasomatic test for helicobacter pylori provided reliable and effective drug for clinical medicine. 方法:通过对幽门螺杆菌实验的体外抑菌实验,为临床医疗提供可靠有效的药物。
- Method: It pass through this antibacterial extrasomatic test for helicobacter pylori provided reliable and effective drug for clinical medicine. 方法: 通过对幽门螺杆菌实验的体外抑菌实验,为临床医疗提供可靠有效的药物。
- How to develop clinical physicians of high academic credential and high technical ability is a critical task for clinical medicine. 如何建设一支拥有高学历、又有高临床技能的医师队伍是临床医学界的当务之急。
- Conclusion This instrument can achieve the aim of tongue information objectification and are widely used for clinical medicine and teaching. 结论:舌象分析仪在一定程度上实现了舌诊的客观性分析,该设备可应用于中医舌诊的临床与教学等,具有广阔的发展前景。
- Results and Conclusions H4 receptor agonists and antagonists have a strong biological activity.With the study progressing, novel drugs for clinical medicine may be developed. 结果与结论:H4受体激动剂及拮抗剂具有很强的生物活性,随着对H4受体配体研究的深入,有希望开发出可用于临床的新药物。
- YAG laser for block of punctum lacrimale. 泪点阻塞性疾病激光治疗。
- Simple index of sample collection for clinical medicine were set,with a purpose to provide theoretical basis for longterm track observation of sportsmen as well as evaluation of physical functions. 旨为筛选取样简便的临床医学指标,为对运动员进行长期的追踪观察并作身体机能评定提供理论依据。文章采用文献资料法,从五个方面对溶菌酶这一非特异性免疫学指标进行综述。
- By taken the advantage of the system and exploit its information resources well ,It is becoming an essential part to provide a depth information for clinical medicine, teach and study. 利用信息系统在信息管理方面的优势,充分挖掘其信息资源,为临床医、教、研提供深层次资料,是临床管理信息系统中必不可少的一部分。
- Clinical Curative Effect of Ultrapulse CO2 Laser for Bromidrosis[J]. 引用该论文 余文林;刘春利;曾海玲.
- What is the schedule for clinical trials in kids? 对于儿童的临床试药怎样?
- Diomed laser for UPPP can enlarge the horizontal air passage of soft palate. 高功率半导体激光与传统激光相比能最大限度地扩大软腭水平气道狭窄。
- Updates and Trends of Clinical Medicine. 医学动态与最新进展。
- Diode Laser for metallic claddings and welding of steel, aluminium and polymers. 用于金属覆层以及钢材、铝材和聚合物焊接的二极管激光器。
- Should clinical medicine learn to anatomize? 临床医学要学解剖吗?
- This journal is called Clinical Medicine. 这个期刊叫作《临床医学》。
- To establishthe parameters sets for clinical ophthalmology. 制定适用于眼科临床的各种参数;