- laser engineered net shaping (LENS) 激光近净成形
- Research on Coaxial Powder-feed of Laser Engineered Net Shaping 激光工程化净成形技术同轴送粉的研究
- Research on coaxial powder- feed using Laser engineered net shaping 激光工程化净成形同轴送粉的研究
- Laser Engineering Net Shaping(LENS) 激光涂覆(LENS)
- Solidification Feature and Microstructure of the Alloy Powder Cladding by Laser Engineered Net Shaping 激光烧结金属粉末涂层组织和凝固特征
- laser engineered net shaping 激光烧结快速成形
- Its comprehensive coverage focuses on near net shaping, atomizing, deposition, fiber composite fabrication, evolution of microstructure, and equipment. 它的广泛报导集中在附近网成形、雾化、沉淀、纤维增强复合材料制造、微结构的演变与设备。
- The P/M Ceramic mold process is a near net shape technology which has an advantage in shaping the complex components. 粉末冶金陶瓷模工艺是一种适用于制备形状复杂零部件的接近成品形状的成形工艺技术。
- Study on Non-occupyin Coating Net Shape Cating for Rapid Manufacturing Based on Rapid prototyping. 基于快速原型技术的非占位涂层快速精确成形技术研究。
- The construction and processing (including the EDM for detent) of net shape forming die for detent gear have been emphatically studied. 带爪齿轮目前被广泛应用于各种摩托车的档位机构。
- This method can realize net shape forging by optimizing preform die shape.Flashless final forging with complete die fill and without folding-over defect can be obtained. 该方法通过优化设计预成形模具形状,可实现精形终锻,得到无飞边、完全充满型腔和无折叠的终锻件。
- Abstract : Process and equipment design features of a near net shape beam blank caster to match large section H beam rolling mill at Laiwu Steel were analysed. :报道提高钢材轧制质量采取的技术、工艺、设备改造经验,介绍轧钢适用技术、科技创新、装备进步发展状况;
- In the laser engineering or the determining of the site of an astronomical observatory, it is needed to study the profile of atmospheric turbulence、wind、temperature and press. 在激光工程以及天文台选址中,需要对大气湍流以及风、温度和气压等大气参数廓线作深入定量的研究。
- Causes for surface longitudinal cracking on near net shape beam blanks during casting at Laiwu Steel were analyzed from both operation and equipment aspects. 对莱钢近终形异型坯腹板表面纵裂问题进行了分析,找出了工艺和设备方面的影响因素,采取了相应的改进措施。
- Metal Injection Moulding (MTM) is a near net shape technology to manufacture the small intricate parts in 3D shapes. 金属注射成形(MIM)是一种制造复杂三维小零件的近净成形技术。
- Equation of compatibility has been sut up for near net shape precision process such as squeeze casting via physical analysis and mathematical deriving on pressed solidification process. 通过对加压凝固成形过程的物理分析和数学推导,建立了适用于液态挤压铸造等近终形精密成形工艺的谐调方程。
- Based on relevant theories, lining compositions and constructions are analyzed, and net shape cracks on the lining resulting from molten zinc penetration lead to inductor breakage. 从耐火材料组成和结构入手,运用有关理论分析了锌液的渗透作用使熔沟内衬产生网状裂纹导致感应器破损的原因。
- Being three dimensional net shaped microporous structure, the corundum filter plate comes to good filteration result and improves the melt spinnability and the fibers quality. 刚玉过滤板孔隙呈三维网状结构,过滤效果好,改善了熔体的可纺性,纤维质量得到提高。
- Conference on Laser Engineering and Application 激光工程与应用会议
- Motorcycle engine net power test code 两轮车用发动机净功率测试方法