- larva of a saturniid moth; spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon. 一种天蚕蛾的幼虫;在造蚕茧时吐出大量结实的蚕丝。
- larva of a saturniid moth; spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon 一种天蚕蛾的幼虫;在造蚕茧时吐出大量结实的蚕丝
- larva of a saturniid moth; 一种天蚕蛾的幼虫;
- An Asian silkworm, the larva of a large saturniid moth(Antheraea paphia), that produces a coarse brownish or yellowish silk. 柞蚕一种产于亚洲的蚕,是一种大型的天蚕蛾(意大利大蚕蛾花大蚕蛾属)的幼虫,能吐出褐色或黄色的粗丝
- An Asian silkworm,the larva of a large saturniid moth(Antheraea paphia,that produces a coarse brownish or yellowish silk. 柞蚕一种产于亚洲的蚕,是一种大型的天蚕蛾(意大利大蚕蛾花大蚕蛾属)的幼虫,能吐出褐色或黄色的粗丝
- I think this worm is a larva of a butterfly. 我觉得这虫子是蝴蝶的幼虫。
- A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly. 毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。
- an Asian silkworm,the larva of a large saturniid moth(Antheraea paphia),that produces a coarse brownish or yellowish silk 柞蚕,一种产于亚洲的蚕,是一种大型的天蚕蛾(意大利大蚕蛾花大蚕蛾属)的幼虫,能吐出褐色或黄色的粗丝
- 3.An Asian silkworm, the larva of a large saturniid moth(Antheraea paphia), that produces a coarse brownish or yellowish silk. 柞蚕一种产于亚洲的蚕,是一种大型的天蚕蛾(意大利大蚕蛾花大蚕蛾属)的幼虫,能吐出褐色或黄色的粗丝
- The parasitic larva of a botfly. 马胃蝇蛆马蝇的寄生性幼虫
- A caterpillaris the larva of a butterfly. 毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。
- The flat, free - swimming, ciliated larva of a coelenterate. 浮浪幼体腔肠动物其扁平的,能自由浮游的,有纤毛的幼体
- The egg or larva of a blowfly, usually deposited on meat. 蝇卵,蛆通常在肉上的苍蝇卵或幼虫
- The wormlike,often brightly colored,hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth. 毛虫蝴蝶或蛾子的蠕虫状,多为浅颜色的多毛或带刺的幼虫
- Caterpillar n. The wormlike, often brightly colored, hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth. 毛虫蝴蝶或蛾子的蠕虫状,多为浅颜色的多毛或带刺的幼虫。
- The pinkish larva of a moth (Pectinophora gossypiella) that is destructive to the flowers and bolls of growing cotton. 红铃虫,棉红铃虫:淡粉色的蛾的幼虫(红铃麦蛾红铃虫属),对生长中的棉花的花朵与棉桃都有损害
- The wormlike, often brightly colored, hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth. 毛虫蝴蝶或蛾子的蠕虫状,多为浅颜色的多毛或带刺的幼虫
- The larva of a common tiger moth (Estigmene acrea) that feeds destructively on various grasses. 盐泽灯蛾幼虫:一种常见虎蛾的幼虫,(盐泽枝灯蛾枝灯蛾属)毁灭性地食用许多草类
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- The destructive larva of a noctuid moth (Heliothis virescens) that feeds on tobacco plants in the southern United States and cotton plants in Peru. 烟草夜蛾幼虫:一种破坏性很大的夜蛾幼虫(烟蚜夜蛾实夜蛾属),以美国南部的烟草植物和秘鲁的棉花植物为食