- large sized pump station 大型泵站
- Design and research of large sized pumping stations for the Eastern Route of South to North Water transfer Project 南水北调东线大型泵站设计与研究
- Heat dissipation problems of the power house due to use of massive glass panel walls in the large sized pumping stations and measures for their improvements 大型水泵站大面积应用玻璃幕墙等技术措施后对厂房通风散热带来的问题及改进措施
- Design of the flapping buffer water - stop rubber structure for the large - and middle - sized pump stations 大中型泵站拍门缓冲止水橡皮的设计探讨
- Force Model of Large Sized Rolling. 大型卷板机的力学模型。
- Do you think I should try a large size? 你看我应该试一下大号的吗?
- Do you want a large size or a medium size? 您穿大号的还是中号的?
- Of moderately large size or good quality. 尚可的尺寸或质量好的
- The long-dilapidated Rennie's Mill public water pump station. 调景岭年久失修的公共汲水站。
- Do you want the large size, or the small size ? 你是要大号的还是要小号的?
- S: Do you want the large size or small size. 你想要大号的还是要小号的。
- Do you want the large size or the small size? 您要大号的还是小号的?
- Finally combine calculate of electrical railway analyze disbennifit effect for a large number of Huang pump station and propose improved method. 最后结合电铁谐波及负序分量对铁路沿线大量的扬黄泵站电动机的不利影响及可能采取的措施进行了工程计算分析。
- The extra large size of this color is out of stock. 这种颜色的特大号已经卖完了。
- Tapholes of middle and large size BFs. 大中型高炉出铁口。
- Blasting Construction of Cofferdam Removal in Yumenkou Pump Station No. 禹门口提水一级站围堰拆除爆破施工。
- The large size will looks like more. 大图会更大。
- For BUFFALO pump station, you can choose painting or zinc plated underpan. &%2361548;对于BUFFALO泵站,相同的型号的泵站底盘你也可以选择喷漆防腐,也可以选择热镀锌防腐。
- Do you want the large size, or the small size? 你是要大号的还是要小号的?
- There is a pumping station beside the road. 路旁有一座抽水站。