- large route table 大容量路由表
- Adds a static route to the route table. 在路由表中添加一个静态路由。
- The usual bottleneck in a conventional router is the relentless next-hop route table lookup for the constant stream of incoming packets. 常规路由器中常见的瓶颈就是为不断送来的恒定的包流紧张地查找下一跳跃的路由表。
- Will Keep all paths in the routing table B. 在路由选择表中只保留一个路径。
- IP -r Displays the routing table. 显示路由表。
- With QBRT,the forwarding decision is based on a full route table lookup to quickly and accurately determine each packet's next-hop route. 有了QBRT,转发决策是依据完整的路由表查找,快速、精确地决定每个包的下一跳跃路由。
- If the route table lookup shows that the packet is destined for a nonlocal subnet, the router forwards the packet to the next-hop router using the next-hop router's MAC address . 如果查找路由表显示包的目的地不在本地子网,路由器就利用下一跳路由器的MAC地址把包转发给下一跳路由器。
- With QBRT, the forwarding decision is based on a full route table lookup to quickly and accurately determine each packet's next-hop route. 有了qbrt,转发决策是依据完整的路由表查找,快速、精确地决定每个包的下一跳跃路由。
- For large Exchange organizations, the amount of information in the routing table log can be very large. 对于大型Exchange组织,路由表日志中的信息量可能非常大。
- If the route table lookup shows that the packet is destined for a nonlocal subnet,the router forwards the packet to the next-hop router using the next-hop router's MAC address . 如果查找路由表显示包的目的地不在本地子网,路由器就利用下一跳路由器的MAC地址把包转发给下一跳路由器。
- If the route table lookup shows that the packet is destined for a nonlocal subnet, the router forwards the packet to the next-hop router using the next-hop router's MAC address. 如果查找路由表显示包的目的地不在本地子网,路由器就利用下一跳路由器的mac地址把包转发给下一跳路由器。
- If the route table lookup shows that the packet is destined for a non-local suet, the router forwards the packet to the next-hop router using the next-hop router\'#39 MAC addre. 如果查找路由表显示包的目的地不在本地子网,路由器就利用下一跳路由器的MAC地址把包转发给下一跳路由器。
- Routing tables keep track of network destinations. 路由表保持对网络目的地的跟踪。
- In large networks RIP convergence can take several minutes since the routing table of each router is copied and shared with directly connected routers. 在大的网路,RIP收歛可能花费数分钟,因为每个路由器的路由表被复制并和直接相连的路由器分享。
- Specify a maximum age for the routing table log files. 指定路由表日志文件的最长期限。
- A routing table maps network prefixes to an outbound interface. 路由表映射网路前置元到一个往外的介面。
- Routers use the routing table to make packet forwarding decisions. 路由器使用路由表来做封包转送的决定。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- The router inspects the packet's IP address and performs a route table lookup to see if the destination end station resides on the local (physically connected) network, typically called an IP subnet . 该路由器检查包的IP地址,查找路由表,看看目的端点是否位于本地(物理位置)网络,它通常叫做IP子网,
- Using this hierarchical scheme,IPv6 can represent large blocks of addresses by a single entry in routing tables. 利用这种分层次的结构,IPv6利用路由表中单一入口就能表示大的地址块。