- This middleware system is applied to a national large engineering project. 该系统已在一项国家大型工程中得到应用。
- GPS positioning technology has its special advantages when applied for construction survey of large && especially large engineering projects. GPS定位技术应用在大型和特大型工程项目施工测量中,有其特有的优势。
- During large engineering project construction,the phenomenon which the low bid price often leads to high cost has its own inevitability. 在工程项目建设过程中,低标价中标而最终导致高造价的现象有其内在的必然性。
- The new airport project is the largest engineering project ever undertaken in Hong Kong. We are going to have one of the finest international airports in the world. 新机场工程是香港有史以来最庞大的工程,也是世界上数一数二的先进的国际机场。
- Application and Revision Method of Wind Data in Large Engineering Project 风速资料在大型工程中的应用和订正方法
- Mechanism Analyses of Low Bid Price but High Cost in Large Engineering Project 大型工程项目低标价高造价的形成机理分析
- Durability Comprehensive Management in a Large Engineering Project of High-Piled Wharf and Approach Bridge 耐久性综合治理在某大型高桩码头及引桥工程中的应用
- Mechanism analyses about low bid price but high cost in large engineering project 大型工程项目低标价向高造价演变的机理分析
- Discussion on Risk Management for Medium and Large Engineering Project in Urban Construction from Insurance Mechanism Introduced for Shanghai World Expo 由上海世博会引入保险机制谈城市建设中大型建筑工程的风险管理
- Discussion on Risk Management for Medium and Large Engineering Project in Urban Construction from Insurance Mechanism Introduced for Shanghai World Expo 2010 由上海世博会引入保险机制谈城市建设中大型建筑工程的风险管理
- Project management for engineering project. 工程项目的项目管理;
- We just complete an engineering project in north Africa. 我们就要完成北非的一项工程项目。
- The ship is driven by large engines. 轮船是由大型发动机驱动的。
- How to Dodge Risks in General Contracting of Engineering Projects. 如何在工程项目总承包中规避风险。
- large engineering projects 大型工程项目
- Management of engineering project quality and control of system II. 工程质量管理与系统控制2。
- The Engineering Project at the heart of the degree course. 工程项目:工程师学位课程的核心部分。
- Over 90% of the world's large engine builders partner with us. 全球90%25以上的大型发动机制造商与我们进行合作。
- Ecological agriculture is a vast and complex engineering project. 生态农业是个庞大复杂的工程。