- He was reared in the lap of luxury. 他在奢侈的环境中长大。
- The guard of honor headed up the whole parade. 仪仗队走在游行队伍的最前头。
- She was brought up in the lap of luxury. 她从小养尊处优。
- They purchased life at the expenses of honor. 他们以牺牲名誉为代价换得了生命。
- An heiress living in the lap of luxury. 一位生活奢华的女继承人
- The guard of honor marched in advance. 仪队走在前面。
- Crowned or decked with laurel as a mark of honor. 戴桂冠的戴以月桂冠或饰以月挂作为荣誉标志的
- With one lap of his tongue the bear finished the honey. 那熊用舌头一舔就把蜜吃光了。
- A rare sense of honor; a rare friend. 不寻常的荣誉感; 极好的朋友
- It was a point of honor with him to avenge any insult to his family. 要对他家所蒙受的耻辱进行报复,这对他来说是关系名誉的要事。
- The crowd cheered the runners on as they started on the last lap of the race. 当赛跑运动员开始跑最后一圈时,观众向他们欢呼打气。
- Criminals, if you please, have a strong sense of honor. 罪犯们竟有一种强烈的荣誉感,你信吗?
- He was cradled in the lap of penury . 他自幼生活在贫困的环境里。
- Whether or not he succeed is in the lap of the god. 他能否成功尚难以预料。
- He would hear the lap of canes and crutches. 他会听到手杖和拐杖触地的声音。
- We are now on our last lap of long journey. 我们现在已经到漫长旅途的最后一段了。
- She has the keenest sense of honor. 她对高贵有最敏感的感觉。
- His father's name was on the roll of honor. 他父亲的名字在阵亡将士名册中。
- Whether or not he succeeds is in the lap of the gods. 他能否成功尚难以预料。
- The next lap of our trip take us into the mountain. 下一段行程我们就要进山区了。