- Malley, J. &Chamot, A.U.. Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition [M]. Cambridge University Press, 1990. 庞维国.;论学生的自主学习[J]
- Vocabulary learning strategies as a subclass of language learning strategies have drawn much attention. 词汇学习策略作为学习策略的一部分在近几年受到了很大的关注。
- Abstract: This paper aims at emphasizing the importance of Language learning strategies in foreign Language learning. 摘要:本论文力图强调学习策略在外语语言学习中的重要性。
- Purposes: Help Ss to learn the Self-Study and Learning Strategies. 发展学习策略,培养自主学习的能力。
- The research of language learning strategies was initiated by Rubin, Naiman, Frohlic and other American and Canadian linguists in the 1970s. 第二语言学习策略的研究始于20世纪70年代中期,最先开始这一领域研究的是美国的Rubin、加拿大的Naiman和Frohlic等人。
- Learning strategies play a crucial role in EFL learning. 学习策略在外语学习中起着重要作用。
- Oxford, R. &Nyikos, M.Variable affecting choice of language learning strategies by university students [J].Modern Language Journal, 1989,73(2). 文秋芳.;英语学习成功者与不成功者在方法上的差异[J]
- Cohen (1998) divides the strategies into two classes according to the purpose of applying the strategies: the language learning strategies and language use strategies. Cohen(1998)根据应用策略的目的性将策略分成了两类:语言学习策略和语言使用策略;
- The autonomous study ability of language learners, learning strategies, teacher's roles as well as the teaching mode under the framework of constructionism are explored. 摘要本文在建构主义理论框架下,讨论了学习者自主学习能力、学习策略、教师角色及教学模式等问题;
- Oxford,R.L.& M.Nyikos.Variables affecting choice of language learning strategies by university students[J].The Modern Language Journal,1989,73(3):291-298. 文秋芳;王海啸.;学习者因素与大学英语四级考试成绩的关系[J]
- Dr. Cox conducted a seminar on learning strategies at our campus last weekend. 上周Cox博士在我们学校办了一个有关学习策略的学习班。
- Oxford, R. L.Language Learning Strategies[M]. New York: Newbury House,1990. 学习,策略,调查,语音,英语,教学
- Metacognitive Learning Strategies: i.e., planning, monitoring, and evaluating. 后设认知学习策略:包括事前计划、自我监督、和自我评估。
- Students should know learning strategy. 学生应该知道学习策略。
- Weden,A.& Rubin,J.(eds.) Learner Strategies in Language Learning [M].Prentice Hall,1987. 王笃勤.;大学英语自主学习能力的培养[J]
- Many educators and linguists such as Oxford (1990), O'Malley and Chamot (2001) and Cohen (2000) highly emphasized the importance of language learning strategies in making language learning more efficient. 许多教育学家和语言学家高度强调了语言学习策略在提高学习效率上的重要性(e.;g
- Social-affective Learning Strategies: e.g., cooperation, question for clarification. 社会-情意学习策略:例如,同侪合作、澄清疑问。
- All factors have obvious regress effects on learning strategy. 诸因素对大学生学习策略具有明显的回归效应。
- The study here is based on the Attribution Theory of Bernard Weiner and the definition of Language Learning Strategies by Rebecca Oxford. The questionnaire is based on the instructions from English Curriculum Standard (2001) for Junior 3 students. Bernard Weiner的归因理论(Attribution Theory)以及Rebecca Oxford在其所著Language Learning Strategies:What Every Teacher Should Know(1990:8)书中提出的语言学习策略的完整定义成了笔者调查的理论基础。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。