- A basic or fundamental unit, often referring to the lowest of a machine instruction or lowest unit of language translation. 一种基本单位或基础单位,常常指机器指令的最低一级或语言翻译的最低的单位。
- language translation machine 语言翻译机
- Language translation and world weather report. 语言翻译及各地天气报告。
- These sub-titles usually used for the language translation. 这些字幕通常用于语言翻译。
- Display native language translation of a textual message. 20显示某原文消息的本地语言翻译。
- Unfortunately, language translation can be hardly performed completely by a machine , due to the flexibility of the language itself and the inflexibility of the machine. 但是,由于机器与语言的各种矛盾,机器实现全自动语言翻译的目的尚待时日。
- It is not enough just to have access to language translation resources. 仅仅能够获得语言翻译资源是不够的。
- Publish your new language translation of modules, blocks or other scripts. 在此公布你汉化或其它语种化的模组,板面区块或其它程序。
- Development of a semi-automatic natural language translation system. 该项目要开发一个半自动自然语言翻译系统。
- Which language translations does Microsoft's own statistical machine translation engine support? Microsoft自己的统计技术机器翻译引擎支持哪些语言的翻译?
- Yu Zhou, Yanqing He, and Chengqing Zong , The CASIA Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation System for IWSLT 2007. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), October 15-16, 2007, Trento, Italy. 周可艳,宗成庆,汉英统计翻译系统中未登录词的处理方法,见:孙茂松、陈群秀主编,内容计算的研究与应用前沿(第九届全国计算语言学学术会议论文集),北京:清华大学出版社,第356-361页。
- The first computers were programmed in machine language, but during the first computer generation, the idea of programming language translation and high-level languages occurred. 第一部计算机用机器语言编程,但是在第一代计算机期间,程序语言翻译的概念和高级语言出现了。
- Rotarians worked around the clock to provide English language translation assistance to local hospital personnel and to mobilize blood donors. 扶轮社员日夜不休提供英语翻译协助给当地的医院工作人员,并动员鼓励捐血。
- The language translator translates source program to their machine language equivalents. 将原始程式翻译成机器语言,必须靠转译器来执行。
- As you have already realized,electronic pocket translation machines have become very popular here in... 如您所知,口袋型电子传机如今在市场上已相当普遍。
- Special education teachers and sign language translation, to enjoy the special education allowance. 特殊教育教师和手语翻译,享受特殊教育津贴。
- As you have already realized, electronic pocket translation machines have become very popular here in... 如您所知,口袋型电子传机如今在市场上已相当普遍。
- Admittedly, translation machines and software bring much convenience for our study and our work. 诚然,翻译机和软件为我们的学习和我们的工作方便。
- Display native language translation of a textual message whose grammatical form depends on a number. 显示某原文消息的本地语言翻译,而翻译的语法和数字有关。
- Wcrypt2.dcu is CryptAPI the C language translation for the package under the pretext of documents in Delphi. Wcrypt2.;dcu是CryptAPI C语言翻译包的借口下在Delphi中的文件。