- We regard dandelion as an emblem of hope. 我们把蒲公英看作希望的象征。
- I was left without a ray of hope. 我连一线希望也没有了。
- The Celtic language of the ancient Britons. 古不列颠语古不列颠人的凯尔特语
- The Iranian language of the Kurds. 库尔德语库尔德人讲的伊朗语系的语言
- The Romance language of the Romanians. 罗马尼亚语罗马尼亚人讲的语言
- Descried a message of hope in her words. 从她的话中捕捉到一丝希望(的讯息)
- The Slavic language of the Bulgarians. 保加利亚语保加利亚人的斯拉夫语言
- The Slavic language of the Poles. 波兰语波兰人所讲的斯拉夫语
- The North Germanic language of Sweden and Finland. 瑞典语瑞典及芬兰的北方日耳曼语
- The West Germanic language of the Flemings. 佛莱芒语佛莱芒人使用的西日耳曼语
- The Turkic language of Azerbaijan. 阿塞拜疆语阿塞拜疆的土耳其语
- An energetic ray of hope shone in Fergusson's eyes. 费尔逊的眼睛里闪烁着充满希望的光芒。
- His words resurrected a gleam of hope of mine. 他的话使我又产生了一线希望。
- This left them without a ray of hope. 这使他们失去了一切希望。
- She kind of hoped to be invited. 她有点儿希望能受到邀请。
- His father still speaks the vulgar language of the country. 他父亲还是讲乡下的土语。
- But in here, I cling to any tiny scrap of hope. 在这里,我坚持着哪怕是一丝小小的希望。
- He pumped a feelong of hope into his listeners. 他给听众们注入了希望。
- This letter opened a chink of hope. 这封信带来了一线希望。
- English is the universal language of today. 英语是现在通行全球的语言。