- language conversion program 语言转换程序
- Translator: A compiler, interpreter or assembler conversion program that translates a high-level language or low-level language into machine language. 翻译程式:是一个用编译;传译或真译方法的转换程式.;它把高阶层语言或低阶层语言翻译为机器语言
- Translating is a course of language conversion as well as culture spread. 翻译不仅是语言之间的转换过程,也是文化的传播过程。
- Very useful lunar calendar conversion program source code, thank you. 非常好用的公历转换农历的程序源代码,谢谢。
- When converting a Web application, Java Language Conversion Assistant establishes a different directory structure for the new application. 在转换Web应用程序时,Java Language Conversion Assistant为新应用程序建立一个不同的目录结构。
- The WSBind file contains the name of the conversion program that will be invoked by CICS Web services. WSBind文件包含由CICS Web服务调用的转换程序的名称。
- CICS will look into the WSBind file for the name of the conversion program to be invoked. CICS将在WSBind文件中查找被调用的转换程序名称。
- This section discusses the processes to follow and issues that may arise as you convert various types of applications using Java Language Conversion Assistant. 本节讨论在使用Java Language Conversion Assistant转换各种类型的应用程序时应遵循的过程和可能发生的问题。
- Byte Conversion Program - Conversion across all different types of units, from bits up to petabytes. 这个程序转换各种不同的单位,从位到字节。
- Java Language Conversion Assistant establishes the application root directory, moves servlet classes to a different directory, replaces links, and resolves tag library descriptors defined in the Web. Xml file. Java Language Conversion Assistant会建立应用程序根目录;将servlet类移动到另一个目录;替换链接;并解析在Web.;xml文件中定义的标记库说明符。
- Conversions from numeric server types to Java language types where the conversion is regular and follows Java language conversion rules. 从数字服务器类型到Java语言类型的转换,此时的转换为常规转换,并遵循Java语言转换规则。
- This article describes the procedure of building the ViewGIS Attribute Database for Win9x/NT from the Card Database for DOS through a conversion program and creating the multi media fields (txt,wav,bmp,etc). 本文以 View GIS和 Foxpro for DOS为例 ,详细叙述了基于 DOS的小班卡片数据库 ,通过转接模块生成基于 WINDOWS9X/NT的 View GIS数表 (属性数据库 ) ,建立文本、声音、图象等多媒体字段的过程。 实现小班卡片数据库与 View GIS空间数据跨系统平台连接
- But good dogs and guard Alan Tam language conversation pigeons, five lucky star to escape from prison, together with Japan and Hong die gang. 不料精通犬语的谭咏麟与守卫鸽交谈后,五福星得以逃出囹圄,与洪携手跟日本黑帮决一死战。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Postscript and Its Conversion Program 页面描述语言postscript及其转换程序
- media conversion program generator 媒体转换程序产生器, 媒休思考换程序产生器
- the Sloping Land Conversion Program 退耕还林
- Observation Report Conversion Program 观察报告更改计划
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。