- landscape ecological building 景观生态建设
- Landscape Ecological Functions of Field Boundary. 试论农田边界的景观生态功能
- Land degradation and landscape ecological construction in Liaoning Province. 辽宁省土地退化与景观生态建设。
- The Landscape Ecological Construction in Continental River Basin in Arid Zone. 干旱区内陆河流域景观生态建设。
- Landscape ecology of the concept is not new. 景观的生态性并不是新鲜的概念。
- Change pattern, process and landscape ecological significance in ecotone of agriculture and grassland in north China. 农牧交错带变迁的格局与过程及其景观生态意义。
- Application of the Fuzzy Set Pair Analysis Way in Landscape Ecological Comprehensive Assessment of Urban Greenland. 模糊集对分析在城市绿地景观生态综合评价中的应用
- The union strengthens politics ecological building, the solution development safeguard question. 结合加强政治生态建设,解决发展保障问题。
- The theory of Geomancy is studied from perspectives of landscape ecological structures &patterns. 从景观生态结构与范式的角度研究风水学。
- Landscape ecological architecture in excavated coal diggings is one of attention-getting hotspots international society. 采煤矿区景观生态设计是目前国内外关注的热点之一。
- The results show that the external respiration double skin facade has a superior energy efficiency potential and is one of the ecological building envelops. 结果表明,外呼吸双层通风玻璃幕墙是一种节能的生态建筑围护结构形式。
- Landscape ecology: What is the state of the science? 景观生态学发展现状?
- Shengwu Earth Building in Shanghang, Fujian keeps both the pattern of Chinese traditional courtyard house and the characteristic of local ecological building. 摘要福建省上杭县绳武楼既保留了中国传统四合院的格局,又具有当地土建筑特色;
- According to matrix factor analysis and landscape ecological analysis, the loss and degradation of coastal wetlands are valued quantificationally. 根据综合矩阵因子分析法和基于景观生态学的方法,对我国的主要滨海湿地的退化程度进行了定量评价。
- Based on landscape ecological planning,the reasonable plan-ning of habitats and nature reserve is an effective approach to biodiversity conserva-tion. 通过景观生态规划对生物的栖息地和保护区进行合理的规划,是行之有效的生物多样性保护途径。
- The main theme of architecture in 21th century is green ecologic building. 摘要绿色生态建筑是21世纪建筑的主题。
- Wuzhong district of Suzhou city being taken as an example,with this indicator system,the comprehensive evaluation of landscape ecological security in 1984 and 2002 was conducted. 结果表明;景观生态安全评价综合指数从1984年的63.;29%25下降到2002年60
- As part of traditional local style house,the cave dwelling which adapts to the droughty climate and multi landform fully embodies the characteristic of the traditional ecological building. 作为传统民居之一的窑洞,对干旱气候和多种地形的适应性充分体现出生态建筑的特征。
- The study not only affords the exercisable technical sustainment for the realization of ecological building, but may also provides the most possibility for logical expression of architecture design. 本研究不仅为生态建筑的实现提供了可操作的技术支撑,而且为建筑设计的逻辑表达提供了最大的可能性。
- Wetlands have huge environmental functions in maintaining ecological balance and regional stability due to their particular characteristics in hydrology, soil, and plant, as well as landscape ecological structures. 湿地具有独特的水文、土壤和植被特徵,在维护区域/流域生态平衡和环境稳定方面发挥巨大作用。