- WESTBANK legitimate land ownership right 合法的房屋所有权
- the collective land ownership right 集体土地所有权
- Double Land Ownership: Peasants'Land Ownership Right Under Land State Ownership 双重地权:土地国有下的农民土地财产权
- land ownership rights 田权
- An amicable settlement of a suit over land ownership. 调和在土地所有权方面诉讼的友好解决方式
- Indeed, it will not meet the most crying need: to give peasants marketable ownership rights to the land they farm. 事实上,它将不能满足最迫切的需要:给予农民对他们耕种土地的可交易的所有权。
- Obvious that land ownership in some countries is unfair. 在一些国家,土地所有制的不公平是显而易见的。
- Land ownership of the wild plant collection zone: private others). 采集区土地所有权:);其他。
- The site is under customary land ownership and management. 这个岛屿遵循习惯的岛屿所有制和管理。
- It regulates first will body of exercising this right and perfects the system of collective land ownership. 第一次规定了该权利行使的意思机关,完善了集体土地所有权制度。
- LDR is a comparatively independent real right which should be separated from land ownership has the attribution of human rights. 土地发展权是从土地所有权中分离出来的具有相对独立性的物权,具有人权属性。
- That would be acknowledging the Railroad's ownership right away-forfeiting their rights for good. 这一来不是就等于干脆承认铁路公司的所有权-永久放弃他们自己的主权吗?
- At present, the company is being "Wahaha" brand ownership rights lawsuit maladies. 目前该公司正被“娃哈哈”品牌归属权问题官司缠身。
- As for the isolated places,if conditions permit and the majority of peasants agree,we should make no alterations in existing land ownership and property rights and persuade the masses to begin the movement for reduced rent and interest rates. 只在孤立据点分了的,则按情况根据大多数农民意见,不再变动,或说服群众改为减租减息。
- Assigning ownership rights to locals has also proved a successful way of preserving coral reefs. 分配所有权给当地居民,也被证明是一个保护珊瑚礁的成功的方法。
- This approach could be replicated in other countries where land ownership is highly concentrated. 这个方法能在土地所有权高度集中的其他国家中推广。
- Bank deposits pay interest below inflation; property comes with suspect ownership rights. 银行存款所给利息低于通货膨胀带来的影响;还有令人不可信的物权。
- B.B.For clarity, you retain all of your ownership rights in your User Submissions. 乙.;以澄清为目的,阁下会保留您的使用者提交件之所有持有权。
- Due to historical reasons, the maritime ownership rights of this sea area has been contradictory. 由于历史原因,这个海域海洋权的归属一直存在争议。
- Of these, I believe that the issue of rural land ownership is among other issues. 其中,笔者认为农村土地的所有权问题是研究其他问题的基础。